Mother, 66, is found dead in her bed just days after catching coronavirus

A much-loved mother has died in her sleep at home after developing coronavirus symptoms – and today her youngest son is fighting for his life in hospital after being exposed.  Linda Tuppen, from Greater Manchester, was found lifeless by her eldest son Rob, 28, last Saturday – five days after she began to feel unwell. The … Read more

NHS hospitals ‘about to run out of essential drugs in days’

NHS hospitals at the forefront of the battle against coronavirus are about ‘to run out of essential drugs’ to look after intensive care patients, according to a leaked document published today.  Medics across Europe sounded the alarm in a letter to governments on Tuesday.  To manage the most severe cases of COVID-19, resuscitators have to immerse the … Read more

Why coronavirus testing can take DAYS: Expert breaks the timeline

At long last, the US is testing more people a day for coronavirus than any other nation in the world.   But it’s been a slow ramp-up, and frustration still abounds over the length of time it takes to get tested, have the sample processed and get results back.  And testing capacity still remains uneven across … Read more

British Airways ‘to suspend 36,000 staff days after grounding ALL flights to and from Gatwick’

British Airways is expected to announce it will suspend around 36,000 staff as it battles to survive the coronavirus crisis.  The airline has reached a broad deal with the Unite union that will include the suspension of 80 per cent of BA’s cabin crew, ground staff, engineers and those working at head office. Crucially however, no staff … Read more

US coronavirus death toll soars to more than 4,000 – doubling within THREE days

The US coronavirus death toll soared to more than 4,000 last night, doubling within three days, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University. The number of deaths went up by 889 on Tuesday to 4,076 – more than twice the 2,010 recorded late Saturday – and more than 40 percent of the fatalities were … Read more

Five days until Isa deadline and bank opening hours have been slashed

Just five days until Isa deadline… and with bank opening hours slashed you may need to open an online account By Sylvia Morris For The Daily Mail Published: 22:01 BST, 31 March 2020 | Updated: 22:52 BST, 31 March 2020 Savers have just five days left to use this year’s cash Isa allowance and earn … Read more

Police were warned against heavy-handed lockdown enforcement five days ago

A police chief today dismissed claims that heavy-handed enforcement during the coronavirus crisis had tipped Britain towards becoming a ‘police state’ – as a senior minister issued more muddled travel advice to dog walkers and supermarket shoppers. West Midlands Police chief constable Dave Thompson has said the public should be ‘supporting’ officers who are ‘doing a marvellous … Read more

China reports another 48 imported cases of coronavirus, putting an end to four days of declines 

China reports another 48 imported cases of coronavirus, putting an end to four days of declines The 48 cases reported today follow a drop from 67 to 31 in the previous few days All the new cases were imported, with none in the original epicentre of Hubei City of Wuhan where the outbreak began has … Read more

Coronavirus found on surfaces 17 days after infected passengers left Diamond Princess, says the CDC

Traces of Coronavirus found on surfaces 17 days after infected passengers left Diamond Princess cruise ship says CDC Researchers made the startling discovering that traces of the coronavirus lingered around for more than two weeks on the Diamond Princess cruise ship Traces of the coronavirus were detected in rooms where infected passengers had stayed on … Read more

RSPCA animal carer, 26, dies suddenly after feeling ‘off colour for a couple of days’

RSPCA animal carer, 26, dies suddenly after feeling ‘off colour for a couple of days’ as her parents warn young people to take coronavirus seriously Jayne Lowry, 26, went into cardiac arrest on Saturday night and died on Sunday Mother Jackie Lowry has paid tribute to her ‘amazing and beautiful’ daughter  Miss Lowry, from Preston, … Read more