Boris Johnson ‘agrees to keep £20-a-week Covid boost to universal credit for another six months’ 

The £20-a-week boost to universal credit looks set to stay in place for another six months after Boris Johnson struck a deal with Rishi Sunak. The Chancellor has been resisting making the increase – introduced in response to the coronavirus crisis and due to end next month – permanent despite pressure from MPs across parties. … Read more

Universal Credit: £20 uplift should be extended for 12 months, MPs say

The Government must extend the £20 weekly increase in Universal Credit payments for at least a year to prevent as many as 700,000 people plunging into poverty, MPs warned today. The temporary uplift, introduced last March and worth more than £1,000 a year to those aged over 25, is currently due to end at the … Read more

Government official blew more than £6,000 on luxury chocolate on taxpayer-funded credit card

Government official blew more than £6,000 in a day on luxury chocolate on taxpayer-funded credit card at department in charge of Freedom of Information Payment was made on a single day and saw £6,248.40 spent at Hotel Chocolat  The unnamed official used a corporate credit card to buy the luxury chocolate  Card belonged to the … Read more

Government official blew more than £6,000 on luxury chocolate on taxpayer-funded credit card

Government official blew more than £6,000 in a day on luxury chocolate on taxpayer-funded credit card at department in charge of Freedom of Information Payment was made on a single day and saw £6,248.40 spent at Hotel Chocolat  The unnamed official used a corporate credit card to buy the luxury chocolate  Card belonged to the … Read more

Best credit cards deals for purchases, holidays and clearing debts

Britain’s transition into a nation of accidental savers last year certainly had an impact on its credit card bill. Those with extra disposable income and nowhere to spend it as a result of the lockdown opted to pay down their debts and fatten their bank balances, where once the nation eschewed a savings habit. Britain … Read more

How long do offers last, and what if I have bad credit? We answer the most-asked mortgage questions

Forget the eyes – nowadays, it is our internet searches that provide a window into the soul.   We often turn to search engines to ask the questions that are on our minds, whether we’re just looking for a quick answer or because it’s something we are embarrassed to ask in person.  Now, Britons’ most common … Read more

Single mother, 49, wins landmark Universal Credit court case

A single mother who found herself £2,000 in debt trying to pay for childcare has won a landmark Universal Credit court case to get the costs paid upfront.  Nichola Salvato, 49, brought a legal challenge against the Universal Credit ‘proof of payment’ policy which only reimbursing the money to parents once it has been spent. She … Read more

Universal Credit: What you need to know about the £20 monthly boost debate

Earlier in the week the Government lost a ‘vote’ 278 to 0 on the issue of extending a £20 a week uplift in Universal Credit, which is currently due to expire at the end of the current tax year in April. While the Parliamentary vote was a symbolic one and does not require the Government … Read more

Boris’s ex-homelessnes tsar warns Tories become ‘nasty party’ again if they cut Universal Credit

Boris Johnson’s former homelessness tsar Louise Casey warns Tories they risk becoming the ‘nasty party’ again if Rishi Sunak axes £20 increase in Universal Credit as Chancellor comes under pressure from Red Wall Conservatives to U-turn She said axing increase in March would be ‘too punitive’ for struggling families Told BBC it was not right, … Read more

Labour warns it would be ‘profound mistake’ to slash Universal Credit

Labour today warned the Government it would be a ‘profound mistake’ to scrap a £20-a-week increase in Universal Credit payments as the party argued it would ‘pull the rug from under the economy’s feet’.  The Government rolled-out the extra cash last year to help families through the coronavirus pandemic but the policy is due to … Read more