Wealthiest 10 percent of the world consume 187 times more fossil fuels than poorest 10 percent 

Emissions Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the biggest contributors to global warming. After the gas is released into the atmosphere it stays there, making it difficult for heat to escape – and warming up the planet in the process.  It is primarily released from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and … Read more

Exhaust from commercial container ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean alter cloud composition

Exhaust from container ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean triggers cloud formation and blocks solar energy from reaching the ocean, masking the effects of global warming Researchers analyzed satellite data from a popular shipping route in the Atlantic They found greater cloud cover and more reflected energy from the sun This was caused by clouds that … Read more

Coronavirus: Greta Thunberg has symptoms and is self-isolating

Greta Thunberg says she may have coronavirus and is isolating with her father after displaying symptoms Greta Thunberg says she contracted coronavirus and is now in self-isolation Teenage activist said her father, Svante, was also suffering from the disease Pair believe they became infected while on a train tour of Europe this month Thunberg said … Read more

Climate change threatens Himalayan goats used to produce world’s most expensive cashmere

Pashmina goats, source of the world’s most valuable form of cashmere wool, are facing a growing threat from climate change. The goats roam the mountainsides of the Changtang plateau, 14,000 feet above sea level between Tibet and India, an arid landscape covered in seasonal grasses that have traditionally kept the goats fed.  The landscape’s winter … Read more

Prehistoric humans share migration patterns with HYENAS that left Africa two million years ago

Prehistoric humans share migration patterns with HYENAS that left Africa two million years ago due to climate change Researchers from Denmark found that hyenas underwent complex migrations The team said that humans and hyenas likely coexisted peacefully at first Yet as humans became more evolved the relationship became bad for hyenas  African and Eurasian hyenas … Read more

Rising temperatures could see up to 1.2 BILLION people suffer from heat stress by 2100 

WHAT CAUSED THE HEATWAVE? The heatwave was triggered by the build-up of high pressures over Europe over the past few days, leading to the northward movement of warm air from Europe over the UK. ‘At this time of year southerly winds will always lead to above average temperatures,’ said University of Reading meteorologist Peter Inness.  ‘Air from … Read more

Snakes are facing extinction as temperatures rise due to climate change

Snakes are facing extinction as temperatures rise due to climate change with some species losing 90 per cent of their habitat Global warming makes it harder for snakes to stay at ideal body temperature It also changes their habitats and can make their food harder to come by The Greek Meadow Viper will lose 90 per … Read more

Greenland and Antarctica are ‘losing ice SIX TIMES faster than in the 1990s’

Climate change is making Greenland and Antarctica lose ice SIX TIMES FASTER than in the 1990s 400 million people are at risk of annual coastal flooding  By Ian Randall For Mailonline Published: 18:01 GMT, 11 March 2020 | Updated: 18:05 GMT, 11 March 2020 Climate change is causing devastating impacts in Greenland and Antarctica with … Read more

The world is ‘way off track’ for meeting climate targets

The world is ‘way off track’ for meeting climate targets as planet gets hotter and sea levels rise, UN warns Report was compiled by UN’s World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)  It highlights heat, accelerating sea level rises, extreme weather events Australia was particularly hard-hit in 2019 – its hottest year on record  By Daily Mail Reporter … Read more

Prince Harry ‘falls victim to hoaxers and reveals his thoughts about Megxit

Prince Harry ‘falls victim to hoaxers and reveals his thoughts about Megxit, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson in phone chat with fake Greta Thunberg’ By Darren Boyle for MailOnline Published: 23:37 GMT, 10 March 2020 | Updated: 23:47 GMT, 10 March 2020 Prince Harry has been allegedly pranked by a group of Russian YouTube stars … Read more