Australian Open descends into chaos with on-court altercation and Rafael Nadal’s bizarre exchange

The Australian Open descended into chaos with an unruly fan kicked out, a fiery shouting match between opponents and a player vomiting on the court. World No.2 Rafael Nadal had a bizarre exchange with a female fan in the crowd who hurled abuse and flipped the bird at him before being kicked out of Rod … Read more

British shoppers in Europe are left with NO custard creams due to Brexit customs chaos

British shoppers in Europe are struggling to get their hands on everything from custard creams and M&S food products to Fortnum & Mason hampers as post-Brexit export rules continue to cause chaos. Stonemanor, a small chain of British food stores in Belgium, is unable to source classic items including digestive biscuits, Walker’s shortbread, oatcakes and … Read more

Pensioners pressured to pay licence fee twice amid delays and system chaos then can’t get refunds 

The great licence fee farce: Pensioners are pressured to pay twice amid delays and system chaos… then can’t get refunds Pensioners pressured into paying the £157.50 fee twice due to processing delays They have also been left out of pocket for months as refund requests are ignored Around 4.2million pensioners were claiming free licence when … Read more

Beast from the East II looms over UK: Storm Darcy is threatening travel chaos and power cuts

Heavy snow is set to bring disruption to parts of Britain today and tomorrow as Storm Darcy rolls in from Russia and Ukraine and brings four days of freezing weather to much of the nation.  The Met Office has warned of ‘significant disruptive snowfall’ in London and the South East of England, especially parts of East … Read more

Three dead in Kilmarnock night of chaos: Woman, 39, dies in hospital after being injured in car park

Two women have died and a man has been killed in a car crash in ‘linked incidents’ in Scotland. A 39-year-old woman was found injured outside Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock at 7.45pm and later passed away. A 24-year-old woman was stabbed 20 minutes later on a nearby street and she died in hospital. A 40-year-old man … Read more

Hotel chief blasts Government over quarantine hotels chaos

Boris Johnson’s hotel quarantine plans have been savaged by an industry boss who claimed his firm is yet to hear from the Government on how the policy will actually work.  Rob Paterson, the UK chief executive of Best Western Hotels, said his company is being ‘kept in the dark’ by ministers and ‘we simply haven’t … Read more

Chaos at Heathrow after passport checking machines malfunction

Chaos at Heathrow after passport checking machines malfunction – prompting ‘mutinous’ passengers to clamber over barriers before being sent back by Border Force officials Adnan Raza, 34, described scenes of chaos as he arrived at Heathrow airport  He said there was a ‘mutiny’ after passport machines at Heathrow malfunctioned He said some passengers tried to … Read more

Australian Open in chaos as 600 players are forced to isolate AGAIN after Covid-19 scare

The Australian Open has been plunged into chaos with players and staff forced into lockdown and millions of Melburnians living with new restrictions after a quarantine worker tested positive to Covid-19. A testing blitz is now underway with 600 tennis stars, officials and support staff identified as close contacts of the 26-year-old, who worked at … Read more

UK weather: Britons wake to more snow chaos today with 60-hour blizzard alert

Communities in parts of Britain could be cut off ‘for several days’ by blizzards with a ‘whiteout weekend’ in prospect for most of Scotland after multiple warnings for snow were issued culminating in a 60-hour alert. The Met Office said ‘some higher rural communities could become cut off’ for days, with no gas, electricity, water … Read more

Welcome to the flake district! Snow brings chaos to northern England as experts warn more is on way

Nearly six inches of snow brought chaos to many parts of northern England yesterday. Motorways ground to a halt and hundreds of schools, already teaching vastly reduced numbers, were shut. Overnight blizzards closed roads across the Pennines, including the M62, where a lorry jack-knifed. There was a threat from flooding along the entire stretch of … Read more