Homes and landmarks across globe will switch off their lights tonight to highlight climate change

Famous buildings and structures will go dark between 8.30pm and 9.30pm tonight as part of an international event organised by WWF to urge action to save the planet.   Andy Ridley, who was one of the driving forces behind Earth Hour when it began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007, said the world has the chance to … Read more

Coronavirus could change our holidays for a long time, says Lee Boyce

A fortnight ago, I went to see West End show Come From Away. It is based on a true story around 9/11. With US airspace closed, nearly 40 planes in the sky were requested to land at Gander Airport, Newfoundland, Canada. This airport in the middle of nowhere was once the biggest in the world. … Read more

Novelist Barbara Taylor Bradford is told to change the name of her latest work ‘Blackie and Emma’

Novelist Barbara Taylor Bradford is told to remove ‘Blackie’ from new book cover over publisher’s racism fears Barbara Taylor Bradford says book title Blackie and Emma has been scrapped She accused publishing house HarperCollins of pressuring her to change title Customers feared to misinterpret name Blackie for term of derision or insult  Taylor Bradford alleged … Read more

Climate change threatens Himalayan goats used to produce world’s most expensive cashmere

Pashmina goats, source of the world’s most valuable form of cashmere wool, are facing a growing threat from climate change. The goats roam the mountainsides of the Changtang plateau, 14,000 feet above sea level between Tibet and India, an arid landscape covered in seasonal grasses that have traditionally kept the goats fed.  The landscape’s winter … Read more

Expert warns UK might not change behaviour until coronavirus death toll is ‘very big’

The UK’s coronavirus epidemic could spiral out of control if people wait for the death toll to rise before changing their behaviour, a leading scientist has warned. Professor Graham Medley, a disease expert at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said people risk making the outbreak worse by refusing to take it seriously … Read more

Snakes are facing extinction as temperatures rise due to climate change

Snakes are facing extinction as temperatures rise due to climate change with some species losing 90 per cent of their habitat Global warming makes it harder for snakes to stay at ideal body temperature It also changes their habitats and can make their food harder to come by The Greek Meadow Viper will lose 90 per … Read more

Climate change is causing more plants to grow in savanna and tundra

Climate change is causing trees and plants to take root in normally barren areas around the world – including the Arctic Circle, according to a new study. UK scientists found warmer and wetter weather makes more greenery grow on savannas and tundras, which collectively make up 40 per cent of the world’s land. Rapid warming … Read more

Jaguar Land Rover boss: Greta Thunberg has ‘no ideas’ about how to tackle climate change 

Jaguar Land Rover boss: Greta Thunberg has ‘no ideas’ about how to tackle climate change Ralf Speth said Thunberg’s complaints about climate change are ‘populistic’ He said that Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion were ‘doing wrong in many areas’ By City & Finance Reporter for the Daily Mail Published: 21:59 GMT, 8 March 2020 | Updated: … Read more

Viking’s 1,500-year-old arrowhead discovered after climate change melts Norwegian glacier

Viking’s 1,500-year-old arrowhead that was preserved in ice is discovered after climate change melts Norwegian glacier Archaeologist uncovered a 1,500-year-old iron arrowhead in the Norway glacier Jotunheimen This team investigates melting glaciers in the country to find such  relics – they have found more than 2,000 The arrowhead  dates back to the Germanic Iron Age, is seven … Read more