CDC says students can sit three feet apart – instead of six

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now says students can now sit three feet apart in classrooms rather than six feet. In updated guidance released on Friday, the federal health agency said elementary school students can sit closer together as long as everyone wears masks – regardless of whether COVID-19 community transmission is … Read more

CDC expected to tell schools to let students sit just three feet apart – instead of six – by Friday

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is expected to change its guidelines and say students now sit just three feet apart instead of six feet.  It comes after a new study found there was no difference in COVID-19 case rates in districts where pupils sat further apart in classrooms compared to those where … Read more

Only Arizona and Montana have given more vaccines to vulnerable communities

Vaccines are going to the WRONG people in at least 31 states: Only Arizona and Montana have given more shots in counties where high rates of poverty, elderly and minority residents make more people vulnerable to COVID-19, CDC report finds A new CDC report looked at vaccination rates in counties where residents were at high … Read more

CDC declares to CA covid strains ‘variants of concern’

Two strains of coronavirus that emerged in California last summer and fall have been declared ‘variants of concern’ by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Health officials think that each variant is about 20 percent more transmissible than the currently dominant ‘original’ variant, based on early data.  Lab studies also suggest that some … Read more

Deadly hospital superbug discovered on a remote island

A deadly hospital superbug that’s been sweeping the globe has been found ‘in the wild’ for the first time, scientists reveal.  Candida auris, a species of fungus, was found on a sandy beach and tidal swamp in a remote coastal wetland ecosystem, on the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean.  The ‘landmark discovery’ is the first evidence that … Read more

Biden’s CDC claims former Trump officials issued ‘non-scientific’ guidance that downplayed pandemic

A new internal review of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that guidance issued during the Trump administration downplayed the seventy of the pandemic. First reported by The Washington Post, a memo found the guidance was not ‘primarily authored’ by CDC staff and not based on the most accurate scientific evidence. Specifically, … Read more

Maskless spring breakers are setting the US up for surge in COVID-19 cases

Maskless spring breakers are flocking to US beaches, more Americans flew in the last five days than in the five preceding Christmas, coronavirus may be set to surge again – and it all has US officials in an anxious bout of déjà vu.  New daily COVID-19 infections fell dramatically for six weeks, but keep stalling … Read more

More than 1.4 million Americans either late getting second COVID vaccine dose or never received it 

Nine in 10 vaccinated Americans have received their second dose against COVID – but more than 1.4 million people are either late getting their second shot or never received it, CDC report finds A new CDC report looked at nearly 12.5 million people who received their first coronavirus vaccine dose from December 14 to February  … Read more

Students sitting 6 feet apart in classrooms no better protected from those who sit 3 feet apart

Social distancing in classrooms where children sit six feet apart is NOT necessary and they’re no better off than sitting three feet apart, new study finds as Biden pushes for children to get back to school A new study looked at 251 Massachusetts school districts open for in-person learning in fall 2020 that had six … Read more

Opioid overdose deaths surged 24% during pandemic lockdowns in Chicago, CDC report reveals

While the coronavirus pandemic rose to new heights in the U.S., the ‘silent epidemic’ of opioid overdose deaths worsened amid lockdowns, new research suggests. Opioid deaths increased by nearly a quarter in Cook County, Illinois – the county where Chicago is located –  during an 11-week stay-at-home order from late March to May, 2020, researchers … Read more