Boeing and Airbus are studying how coronavirus may spread on their airplanes

Boeing and Airbus are studying how coronavirus may spread on their airplanes, and taking a no-stone-unturned approach to developing a way to minimize risks as they search for a way to restart business amid the pandemic.  They’re trying to pinpoint how the virus moves inside a plane cabin, and experimenting with using ultraviolet (UV) light to … Read more

Donald Trump heads to the golf course instead of church on Sunday

President Donald Trump spent his second day in a row on his Washington D.C. area golf course Sunday, opting to play the links after he encouraged churches to reopen for services. While Washington D.C. remains under a stay-at-home order, parts of Virginia and Maryland have entered phase one of reopening, which allows religious institutions to reopen … Read more

Donald Trump is seen golfing for the first time since the outbreak began and shakes hands on course 

Donald Trump has been pictured going golfing for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak started ramping up on US soil – but failed to practice social distancing with his golf buddies.   The president enjoyed a leisurely start to Memorial Day weekend as he arrived at his Trump National Golf Club in Virginia Saturday for … Read more

CDC advises all babies born to COVID-19 positive or suspected mothers be tested for the infection 

CDC advises all babies born to COVID-19 positive or suspected mothers be tested for the infection The CDC is advising that newborns be separated from mothers who have confirmed or suspected cases of coronavirus Babies should be tested within the first 24 hours and can be reunited with their mothers if the women test negative Infants are … Read more

Coronavirus: Korea CDC says those who recover AREN’T infectious

People who recover from coronavirus and test positive again are NOT contagious: Korean CDC finds ‘re-positive’ patients did not infect any of their 790 contacts The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at 285 survivors of coronavirus who tested positive after other tests said they were negative Of the 790 people the patients … Read more

Vaccination rates for Michigan children have fallen 20% amid the coronavirus pandemic

The number of five-month-old children getting vaccinations has plummeted to below 50 percent in Michigan amid the coronavirus pandemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data released Monday reveals.  For the last three years, about two thirds of five-month-olds in the state have been up-to-date on their shots. But as of May 2020, only … Read more

Woodstock occurred during Hong Kong flu pandemic killed 1 million people worldwide 100,000 Americans

No small amount of literature is dedicated to covering the seismic happenings of 1969 – the Vietnam War, the inauguration of Richard Nixon, civil rights protests, the Stonewall Riots, the moon landing and the Mansion family murders have all been told, retold and scrutinized across countless platforms in multitudes.  1969 was also signal year for … Read more

CDC director says models predict coronavirus deaths will accelerate in coming weeks

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that all statistical models tracked by the agency predict that coronavirus deaths in the U.S. will accelerate in the coming weeks. ‘CDC tracks 12 different forecasting models of possible COVID-19 deaths in the US,’ Dr. Robert R. Redfield said in a tweet. ‘As … Read more

Donald and Melania Trump meet Girl Scouts at pandemic response event but fail to wear masks

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump greeted a group of Girl Scouts at the White House on Friday afternoon during a pandemic response event and neither one of them wore protective face masks.  It was business as usual for the couple as they flouted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations to … Read more

People not concerned about climate change only wear a mask 30% of the time during the coronavirus

A survey finds your stance on climate change determines your decision to wear a mask during the coronavirus pandemic. Approximately 54 percent of individuals who are climate-concerned ‘always’ wear masks in public, while only 30 percent of those who responded ‘not too concerned’ or ‘not concerned at all’ strap on the gear. The trend was … Read more