UK ‘super-Covid’ is Now DOMINANT in the US, CDC says 

The UK’s ‘super Covid’ variant is now the dominant form of coronavirus in the U.S., White House officials revealed on Wednesday.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Dr Rochelle Walensky announced that the variant has now been found in all 50 U.S. states and two territories. It is now the most prevalent form … Read more

UK ‘super covid’ has spread to EVERY US state as expert warns CDC needs to ramp up genome sequencing

The coronavirus variant that was first identified in the UK has now spread to every single state in the U.S. As of Tuesday, Oklahoma became the final state to confirm infections linked to the strain, known as B 1.1.7. There are currently at least 15,511 cases of the variant across the country, including in the … Read more

CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel internationally safely

BREAKING NEWS: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel internationally safely, don’t need to get tested before leaving or quarantine when they arrive back in the US CDC says it is now safe for fully vaccinated Americans to travel domestically or internationally  Health officials have discouraged travel for even people who have had their full … Read more

CDC director warns of ‘impending doom’ as cases, hospitalizations and deaths rise

America’s top health official is warning of ‘impending doom,’ as COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths all spike ominously in the U.S.  ‘I am scared,’ said Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Dr Rochelle Walensky during an emotional Monday press briefing.   ‘When I first started at CDC about two months ago, I made a … Read more

Health workers 90% less likely to catch coronavirus after they are fully vaccinated, CDC data show 

Two doses of either Moderna’s or Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine are highly effective at preventing infection, a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study published on Monday finds. Researchers looked at vaccination rates among nearly 4,000 healthcare employees, first responders, and other essential and frontline workers from mid-December 2020 to mid-March 2021. Results showed … Read more

Ex CDC director Robert Redfield believes COVID ‘escaped’ from Wuhan lab as early as September 2019

The former director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, says he believes COVID-19 ‘escaped’ from Wuhan lab in China and may have been circling as early as September 2019. Redfield made the admission in a CNN interview on Friday but stressed it was his ‘opinion’. It is the first time Redfield, who was appointed CDC director by … Read more

CDC says students can sit three feet apart – instead of six

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now says students can now sit three feet apart in classrooms rather than six feet. In updated guidance released on Friday, the federal health agency said elementary school students can sit closer together as long as everyone wears masks – regardless of whether COVID-19 community transmission is … Read more

CDC expected to tell schools to let students sit just three feet apart – instead of six – by Friday

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is expected to change its guidelines and say students now sit just three feet apart instead of six feet.  It comes after a new study found there was no difference in COVID-19 case rates in districts where pupils sat further apart in classrooms compared to those where … Read more

CDC predicts decline in weekly coronavirus deaths

COVID-19 deaths are set to decline dramatically over the coming four weeks, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predictions.  Even as the agency’s director Dr Rochelle Walensky warns that the virus is set to surge on the heels of Spring Break and maskless revelling, the CDC’s latest forecasting suggests that … Read more

CDC declares to CA covid strains ‘variants of concern’

Two strains of coronavirus that emerged in California last summer and fall have been declared ‘variants of concern’ by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Health officials think that each variant is about 20 percent more transmissible than the currently dominant ‘original’ variant, based on early data.  Lab studies also suggest that some … Read more