Prince Charles catching coronavirus is ‘one of the best things that could have happened’

Prince Charles contracting coronavirus was ‘one of the best things that could have happened’ because it’s made him more empathetic and boosted his social media following, a royal expert has claimed. The Prince of Wales, 71, previously revealed he was ‘lucky’ to have experienced ‘relatively mild symptoms’ of Covid-19 after testing positive in March. Last … Read more

Family of Liverpool fan who died of Covid-19 after ‘catching it at final match’ demand inquiry

The family of a lifelong Liverpool supporter who contracted coronavirus after attending the Champions League match against Atlético Madrid days before the UK’s lockdown is demanding an inquiry into why the game was allowed to go ahead. Richard Mawson, 70, from Kirkdale, Merseyside, went to watch his team on March 11 after the government said there was … Read more

Smoking DOES increase the risk of catching coronavirus, study of 2.4million British people finds

Smoking does increase the risk of getting coronavirus, according to a major British study that disputes growing evidence that the habit is protective. A team at Imperial College London, King’s College London and Zoe – the developer of a symptom-tracking app – looked at 2.4million Britons, of which 11 per cent reported smoking. All participants were … Read more

From a face shield to phone sanitiser and a hook to open doors… Gadgets to stop you catching Covid

Frequent handwashing and social distancing are known to reduce the spread of infection. But could gadgets — such as a prong for flushing loos and covers for keyboards — help too? ADRIAN MONTI asked experts to review a selection; we then rated them. Hygienehook, £14.99, HOOK TO OPEN DOORS Hygienehook, £14.99, CLAIM: This … Read more

Scientists identify microbe that stops mosquitoes catching or spreading malaria

Scientists have discovered a bug which lives inside the guts of mosquitoes and protects them from getting malaria. Researchers said the microbe, which lives in around 5 per cent of mosquitoes on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya, could also stop the insects from transmitting the disease to humans. Malaria is spread through the … Read more

Former BBC Radio 4 presenter Richard Sanders dies, aged 62, after catching coronavirus in hospital 

Former BBC Radio 4 presenter Richard Sanders dies, aged 62, after catching coronavirus in hospital Richard Sanders, 62, worked on programme for more than a decade from 1988 Death was announced on the show on Saturday by presenter Charlotte Smith Mr Sanders died after contracting COVID-19 in hospital, Ms Smith said Former colleague Anna Hill … Read more

NHS hospital worker, 41, dies from coronavirus after catching it while working on the wards 

NHS hospital worker, 41, dies from coronavirus after catching it while working on the wards Philippines-born Jenelyn Carter of Ammanford, South Wales has died of covid-19 whilst working for the NHS at Morriston Hospital  Morriston Hospital have paid tribute to their colleague who will be missed Jenelyn Carter was treated by her own colleagues before … Read more

Former nurse, 52, with cancer dies alone after catching coronavirus from elderly dementia patient

Amanda Strudwick (pictured above) contracting the coronavirus after helping an elderly woman who she was sharing a ward with  A former nurse who was battling cancer died alone after catching the coronavirus from an elderly dementia patient she was sharing a ward with in hospital. Amanda Strudwick had survived lung cancer last year but was … Read more

Chinese scientists warn babies may be at risk of catching coronavirus during pregnancy 

Babies may be at risk of catching the coronavirus from their mother during pregnancy, scientists have warned. Chinese doctors studied four newborns who tested positive for the infection within a few days of a Caesarean delivery, after experiencing mild tell-tale symptoms.  Three had been isolated as soon as they were born because their mothers had … Read more