Map reveals how Covid-19 infection rates soared in the North of England after PHE’s Excel bungle

Public Health England’s Excel bungle has drastically changed the outlook of England’s coronavirus outbreak, with infection rates in the North soaring overnight. Following the revelation that almost 16,000 ‘missed’ cases had been added to the system, infection rates spiralled in every authority of the country except four at the weekend — all of which were … Read more

Shame-faced Matt Hancock faces fury of MPs over COVID case bungle

Matt Hancock today faced the wrath of MPs as he admitted contact tracing of some 16,000 confirmed coronavirus cases was delayed for days by an Excel blunder. The Health Secretary told the Commons that the extraordinary episode ‘should never have happened’ and an investigation was being carried out into how thousands of cases dropped out … Read more

Jacinda Ardern snaps at Mike Hosking from Newstalk ZB over coronavirus bungle

Feeling the pressure? Jacinda Ardern snaps at interviewer grilling her over series of coronavirus quarantine bungles that saw an increase in cases in New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has snapped back at a radio host who grilled her over new cases Two tourists left their Auckland hotel to drive to Wellington without being tested Jacinda Ardern … Read more