Teaching union backs Keir Starmer in calling for an urgent two week ‘circuit breaker’

Two-week-long ‘circuit breakers’ would see tough restrictions introduced temporarily across the whole country to suppress the virus, before they would be lifted for a time and then re-introduced if necessary. Measures could include bans on social between households, shutting down hospitality and leisure venues such as bars and restaurants, or restricting their opening hours. But … Read more

Iain Duncan Smith backs £460m welfare scheme to save post-Covid Britain from ‘jobs tsunami’

Iain Duncan Smith says Boris Johnson must create £460m ‘Universal Credit Part Two’ welfare scheme to save post-Covid Britain from a ‘jobs tsunami’ Iain Duncan Smith suggests benefit reform to create £460m support scheme The Universal Support scheme would help dealing with drug and alcohol abuse  It could provide aid to homeless people and those … Read more

French court backs media in landmark case against Google as they demand compensation for content

French court backs news companies in landmark case against Google as they demand compensation from the billion dollar Silicon Valley giant for the copyrighted content it uses Paris appeals court ruled against Google and backed competition regulator  Google had argued that it drives lucrative clicks to news sites it lists in searches  But French press … Read more

AA backs zero-tolerance drink drive limit for young novice motorists

The AA has given its support for the introduction of new rules that would see young novice drivers facing stricter drink drive limits than other motorists. At a hearing of the Transport Select Committee today, the motoring organisation backed calls for a zero-tolerance limit for drivers in the first months after passing their driving test, … Read more

Education watchdog backs tuition fee refunds for students if the quality of their course drops 

Students at universities hit by coronavirus should seek tuition fee refunds if the quality of their course slips, the higher education watchdog said last night. At least 40 universities have recorded virus cases – around one in four – leaving thousands of students locked down in halls. They have complained of ‘disgusting’ conditions as they are … Read more

Prince William backs BAFTA’s UK film industry diversity plans

Prince William has helped push through a staggering 120 innovations to increase diversity at Bafta. The ‘watershed’ new moves are related to an impassioned speech the Prince made during the televised British Academy Film Awards in February where the visibly angered royal attacked the overwhelming ‘whiteness and maleness’ of the prestigious awards. Plans were introduced … Read more

Boris Johnson backs MoS campaign to end lone births scandal

‘No woman should have to go through labour alone’: Boris Johnson backs MoS campaign to end lone births scandal Nearly half of hospital Trusts continue to ban partners from attending either labour or scans, or both, because of draconian Covid-19 rules Mail on Sunday is campaigning to end scandal, which has left women to give … Read more

Oxford epidemiologist backs up South Dakota governor with take-down of flawed German Sturgis study

Jennifer Beam Dowd wrote in an article for Slate on Friday that the study by IZA Institute of Labor Economics was not to be trusted An Oxford epidemiologist has backed up South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem in her skepticism of the widely disputed Sturgis study that claimed 266,000 people were infected with COVID-19 from the single … Read more

Bus driver shows off skills as he backs people-carrier into VERY tight space overhanging a ditch

Parallel parking masterclass! Bus driver shows off his skills as he backs a people-carrier into a VERY tight space overhanging a ditch in India Bus driver PJ Biju expertly parked a Toyota Innova in between two sharp drops He confidently reversed into the space before making a few minor adjustments PJ said that he is … Read more