Britain’s Land Army goes AWOL!

Britain’s Land Army goes AWOL! Just 112 people take up roles picking fruit and veg out of 50,000 applicants after they discover the rigours of working in the fields Alliance of Ethical Labour Providers received 50,000 initial applications for jobs Only 6,000 completed video interview with 900 later rejecting a seasonal role  Up to 80,000 … Read more

US Army reservist at center of Chinese conspiracy theories claiming SHE brought the virus to Wuhan

A US Army reservist at the center of an unfounded online conspiracy theory that identifies her as ‘patient zero’ of COVID-19 and claims she brought it to Wuhan has said she’s now living in fear for her life.  Maatje Benassi and her husband Matt described the ‘nightmare’ of the ordeal to CNN, as the theory … Read more

Land Army volunteers are left without jobs as plan to get Brits picking crops falls flat

 Farmers who have received death threats for flying in potato pickers from Eastern Europe hit back today, saying ‘What else could we do – British people haven’t wanted this sort of work for decades.’ Fearing spuds, strawberries, plums, parsnips, rhubarb and other crops will rot in the fields, planes were chartered to bring Romanian workers … Read more

Matt Hancock sounds like a quartermaster, says ex-head of Army medics Dr Michael von Bertele

DR MICHAEL VON BERTELE is the former Director General of the Army Medical Services We all know the saying: ‘We won the battle but lost the war’ – and that is what could well happen with the fight against coronavirus.  King Pyrrhus, from whom the term Pyrrhic victory was derived, might have defeated the Roman … Read more

Sir Nick Carter Head of the Army says coronavirus PPE is biggest logistical challenge ever

The head of the Army has hit back at criticism of the handling of the NHS PPE crisis by describing it as the ‘greatest logistical challenge’ in his 40 years of service. Sir Nick Carter told tonight’s Downing Street press conference that in just 25 days of working with the NHS on delivering personal protective … Read more

Army of council staff and civil servant ‘will help contact tracing of coronavirus patients’

Army of THOUSANDS of coronavirus tracers ‘will be recruited to track down infected people’s contacts’ as part of plans to stem the virus Council staff and civil servants will be among thousands drafted in to help  Contact tracing was abandoned a month ago as ministers focused on testing  Claims three-tier tracing system could be in … Read more

LORD ASHCROFT: Our NHS needs its own army of volunteer reservists – just like the Army 

Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher was on a mission to investigate a Taliban compound near Sangin in Afghanistan in 2008 when he accidentally triggered a booby-trapped grenade. He and his men were heading back to base under cover of darkness when he stumbled into a four-metre tripwire linked to the explosive. Instead of running for cover, the … Read more

Farm boss spent £40k flying 150 Romanian fruit pickers to UK to teach Brit land army how it’s done

A farming boss says his company had spent £40,000 to fly 150 experienced Romanian farm workers to the UK to teach unskilled British fruit and vegetable pickers how to harvest.  Anthony Gardiner, boss at G’s Growers, says the situation was getting desperate because their regular land army of foreign workers are locked down in their … Read more

Firms going above and beyond: The selfless army keeps on growing 

Businesses are fighting for survival amid the pandemic. Some have chosen to exploit customers to save their own skin and Money Mail has been quick to call out these misdeeds. But our inbox has also been flooded with emails from readers praising firms that have gone above and beyond for their customers.  Here we highlight … Read more

The unsung army of selfless people who truly are playing their part

Every day we hear remarkable stories of courage and tragedy as the coronavirus stretches the health service to the limit.  But up and down the country, ordinary people are making unsung sacrifices — big and small — to help do their bit to pull the nation, and the NHS in particular, through the crisis.  Here, … Read more