Ground ‘wobbles’ a tiny amount for months before a giant earthquake

A series of ‘wobbles’ come before giant earthquakes, a new study discovered, and it  could help scientists predict when future disasters are going to happen. Scientists from Ohio State University found that months before Japan’s strongest ever quake in 2011 land masses in the country underwent an enormous ‘wobble’.  The 2011 earthquake unleashed a tsunami … Read more

Trump says the US will bill China a ‘substantial’ amount of money for coronavirus damage

President Donald Trump has said the US will bill China a substantial amount for damages caused by the coronavirus. Trump was asked whether he was considering seeking money from the country after a German newspaper published a mocked-up bill of a $160billion invoice for the impact shutdowns have had on the economy following the spread … Read more

What is the minimal amount of exercise you need to stay healthy during lockdown?

With gyms remaining closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become more important than ever to maintain your fitness at home by doing at least two-and-a-half hours of exercise per week minimum. ‘For those who may be sitting much more, most notably because they have “lost” the activity around their daily commute, it is … Read more

Professor says NO amount of alcohol is safe but there are things you can do to limit health damage

No amount of alcohol is safe but there are things you can do to reduce the health impacts of drinking. That’s according to Professor David Nutt, an Imperial College London researcher, former government adviser and outspoken drugs expert. Avoiding champagne, drinking beer before wine and making sure you buy the third round could all stop … Read more

Qantas reveals the huge amount of rubbish it saved on the world’s first ‘zero-waste’ flight

Qantas reveals the huge amount of rubbish it saved on the world’s first ‘zero-waste’ flight Qantas flew world’s first ‘zero-waste’ flight from Sydney to Adelaide last month Airline posted a snap of the waste from the flight compared to a normal amount  Qantas is aiming to eliminate 75 per cent of its current waste by … Read more

Spain’s coronavirus death toll rises by its lowest amount this week

Spain’s coronavirus death toll rises by its lowest amount this week for a third consecutive day with an increase of 674 raising fresh hope lockdown is working Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said State of Emergency must stay in place Deaths in the country have now reached 12,418, and there are 130,759 cases State of Emergency … Read more

Spain’s death toll rises by lowest amount with ‘top of the curve in sight’ as another 809 die

Spain’s death toll rises by lowest amount this week with ‘top of the curve in sight’ as another 809 die from coronavirus and Prime Minister extends lockdown for another 15 days Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said State of Emergency must stay in place Deaths in the country have now reached 11,744, and there are 124,736 … Read more

Some baby formula contains TWICE the amount of sugar of Fanta

Some baby formula contains TWICE the amount of sugar of a can of Fanta amid warnings it could lead to tooth decay and childhood obesity  Some brands of formula for babies was found to contain 8.7g of sugar per 100ml  In comparison, Fanta has 4.6g of added sugar and others have similar levels Researchers warn … Read more

‘The Stay Inn’: Britons are drinking almost double the amount of alcohol at home in virtual pubs

‘The Stay Inn’: Britons are drinking almost double the amount of alcohol at home as they join friends for a pint online amid coronavirus lockdown Millions expected to join virtual phenomenon, knocking back pints on video chat Home-drinking has almost doubled to 100 million pints a week in the UK Britain’s top psychologist Sir Cary … Read more

Got Paper? aims to help people to buy the right amount of bog roll

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more