Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans

No use hiding your age: Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans for the first time by analysing proteins in their lenses The team created an eye scanner that can tell someone’s ‘real’ or biological age  There is no universal method for tracking a person’s biological age, authors … Read more

The Rolling Stones’ Ronnie Wood on ageing and beating cancer

Ronnie Wood, 72, has admitted that he ‘never got beyond 29’ in his head and that he feels ‘cheated’ over life going so quickly in his new documentary. The Rolling Stones legend also discussed beating lung cancer in 2017 after 54 years of smoking 25 to 30 cigarettes a day and claimed that it was a ‘get … Read more

Drinking SKIMMED milk instead of semi-skimmed could slow ageing and make your DNA 4.5 YEARS younger

Drinking skimmed milk instead of semi-skimmed milk may slow DNA ageing, a study suggests. In a study of almost 6,000 people, scientists analysed people’s genes and quizzed them about their diets and what type of milk they drank. The age of DNA could be worked out by looking at the length of certain parts of chromosomes, which … Read more