Only 100 US kids have died of COVID-19 and children are half as vulnerable as adults

Only 100 US children have died of coronavirus – and kids are HALF as likely to be infected as adults, study finds New research from the UK’s institute of Child Health found that  0.56 children  catch coronavirus from an infected person for every one adult globally US data shows that only about 100 American children … Read more

Why children ARE more protected from severe COVID-19 than adults

Children may be protected from coronavirus by the portion of the immune system that we have from birth, a new study finds.  Researchers at Yale University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that adults who catch coronavirus are nine-times more likely to die of the infection compared to children.  They went a step further, … Read more

Two-thirds of adults struggled to avoid piling on the pounds

Why we got fatter during lockdown: Two-thirds of adults struggled to avoid piling on the pounds because boredom and stress triggered comfort eating, study suggests Two-thirds of adults struggled to keep their weight down during the lockdown Britons found it more difficult to get to the shops for healthy foods and more   Being at home … Read more

Children spread the coronavirus ‘six times less than adults’

Children are six times less likely to spread coronavirus than adults, a study has claimed as children in England return to school today. The research tracked how the coronavirus spread in a group of 1,900 people, mostly children, who spent five weeks at summer camps in Spain. They were mixing in similar situations to schoosl … Read more

We DO copy our brothers and sisters, even as adults

We DO copy our brothers and sisters: Siblings of people who get married, divorced or have children are more likely to do the same, study shows Scientists assessed 32 years of data on familial relationships from Germany  Found decision-making for key life events was influenced by sibling experiences People are more likely to get married or … Read more

Most older adults with dementia have filled prescriptions that aren’t designed for the brain disease

Almost three-quarters of older American adults with dementia filled prescriptions for medications that aren’t designed for the brain disease, a new study finds. Researchers found that many had filled at least one prescription for antidepressants, opioid painkillers, epilepsy drugs, anxiety medications or antipsychotics. What’s more, patients who were women, white and in their 60 or … Read more

Loony crunes! Nine in ten adults admit they often sing wrong lyrics to hit songs, survey reveals 

Finding out you’ve been bellowing out the wrong lyrics to a favourite pop song can be mortifying. However, you’re not on your own – with nine in ten adults admitting they often mishear the words. And it seems there are certain hits which leave us the most muddled. Number one is the chorus for The … Read more

Secondary school pupils are just as likely to transmit coronavirus as adults say researchers

Secondary school pupils are as likely to transmit coronavirus as adults, official research appears to show – as scientists now call for routine Covid tests for children and teachers when classes restart.  Public Health England (PHE) found that primary school pupils do not appear to pass the virus to each other – but its researchers … Read more

Experts say a coronavirus vaccine may be less effective in obese adults

It’s already well-known that being overweight is a major risk factor for contracting the novel coronavirus. But some health experts fear that when a vaccine finally becomes available, it may not protect obese Americans as well as the general population..  Previous studies have found that inoculations for influenza and hepatitis B have been less effective in … Read more

Adults suffer from loneliness in different ways ‘depending on age’

Loneliness in adult life is experienced differently depending on what age you are, a new scientific study suggests.   Factors associated with feelings of loneliness, such as contact with friends and family, perceived health and employment, differ throughout adult life, scientists say.  Researchers found that these various factors caused loneliness in different measures across three age … Read more