Plans for 14-day quarantine ‘will kill travel industry’

Ministers are facing a growing revolt on 14-day quarantine plans amid warnings it will ‘kill’ the travel industry. The ‘blanket’ proposals for arrivals to the UK are coming under increasing fire amid claims that are unnecessary and unenforceable. Aviation chiefs have compared the requirement to hanging up a ‘Britiain is closed’ sign and suggested the … Read more

Airlines call for top holiday destinations to be spared 14-day quarantine rule

Ministers have been sent a list of 45 countries to prioritise for quarantine-free ‘air bridges’, it emerged last night. Airlines drew up the index last week at the request of the Government amid mounting fury over ‘unenforceable’ plans for a 14-day quarantine imposed on all arrivals. The list, agreed by airlines including British Airways, Easyjet … Read more

Ryanair boss warns most Britons will ignore ‘useless’ 14-day quarantine rules when arriving in UK

Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary warns most Britons will ignore ‘useless’ 14-day quarantine rules when arriving in the UK and will get away with writing ‘Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney Street’ on their arrival card Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary says arriving Brits will ignore quarantine rules O’Leary believes the ‘unimplementable’ plans would be quietly scrapped Chancellor Rishi … Read more

A mandatory 14-day quarantine for arrivals is bonkers, say DAVID DAVIS and DAVID BLUNKETT 

When two politicians who, for years, have clashed over policies now find themselves on the same side of the argument about a mandatory 14-day quarantine period, it must be time to reflect whether the Government has got it wrong. The Home Secretary’s policy is a devastating blow for anyone hoping to holiday abroad this summer, … Read more

Travel firms are ALREADY planning to exploit Dublin loophole in 14-day quarantine

Travel firms are already looking to exploit a ‘Dublin dodge’ loophole in Britain’s new quarantine rules that allows those arriving from Ireland to avoid having to isolate at home. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced plans for a tough new quarantine regime requiring almost all arrivals into the UK to immediately self-isolate for 14 days as … Read more

Police will be sent to travellers’ homes to check they are complying with 14-day quarantine

Police will visit passengers’ HOMES to check they are complying with new 14-day coronavirus quarantine after arriving back in UK under plans unveiled today MPs will be asked to usher through laws to bolster police’s ability to enforce rule Powers will allow constables to impose £1,000 fines on those who breach order  Officers will also … Read more

Greece offers to waive 14-day quarantine for UK tourists

Greece has offered to waive its 14-day coronavirus quarantine for British tourists and holiday firms are planning to restart flights from mid June in what could be a welcome boost for beleaguered lockdown Britain. With the Mediterranean nation’s under-pressure economy heavily dependent on holidaymakers it has been making plans to refill deserted beaches and hotels. … Read more

Summer holiday hope as Greece offers to waive 14-day quarantine for UK tourists

Greece has offered to waive its 14-day coronavirus quarantine for British tourists and holiday firms are planning to restart flights from mid June in what could be a welcome boost for beleaguered lockdown Britain. With the Mediterranean nation’s under-pressure economy heavily dependent on holidaymakers it has been making plans to refill deserted beaches and hotels. … Read more

Coronavirus UK: France WON’T be exempted from 14-day isolation rules

Quarantine chaos: France WON’T be exempted from 14-day isolation rules but business travellers could be let in as announcement is postponed UK had initially said it would force anyone flying into Britain to remain in isolation Boris Johnson then agreed mutual tourists exemption with Emmanuel Macron However the UK has now ended proposals for a … Read more

Ireland may introduce 14-day quarantine for anyone entering the country

Ireland may introduce 14-day quarantine for anyone entering the country, PM Leo Varadkar reveals By Reuters Published: 10:15 BST, 13 May 2020 | Updated: 10:46 BST, 13 May 2020 Ireland may force people to isolate for 14 days after arriving in the country as part of tougher coronavirus measures, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has said. … Read more