Surge in DIY sales boosts B&Q before lockdown

Surge in DIY sales boosted B&Q before lockdown as homeowners prepared to use time to improve their properties By Tom Witherow For The Daily Mail Published: 21:51 GMT, 27 March 2020 | Updated: 21:51 GMT, 27 March 2020 Demand for DIY and garden equipment surged in the weeks before the coronavirus lockdown, according to B&Q’s … Read more

Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson are back in LA after coronavirus quarantine in Australia

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: I fear we’re risking lockdown apartheid

The late afternoon sun still had enough warmth to make sitting in my garden a delight. The blackbirds were competing with the robins and a woodpecker was drilling out the occasional rhythmic drum roll — the perfect contrast to the lament of a dove somewhere in the distance.  The hoverflies had made a welcome early … Read more

The travel companies doing their bit to lift our spirits amid coronavirus outbreak

The travel world is in turmoil right now but hoteliers, tour operators and transport firms are making great efforts to help Britons stranded abroad or needing help at home. Others are offering accommodation, food and online advice as we pull together to fight the global crisis. A full refund Budget ski specialist Action Outdoors has … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Sunak and Bailey have come up with the right policies

The country has been left in no doubt about the economic mantra of Covid-19.  It is Rishi Sunak’s much repeated ‘whatever it takes’.  The new Chancellor – the brightest political star for many a year – has followed through decisively.  There was an extra £30billion of spending in the Budget, followed by £350billion of bailout … Read more

Tesla video hints new autopilot feature will enable cars to automatically stop at traffic lights

Tesla video hints that a new autopilot feature will enable cars to automatically stop at traffic lights A video shows Tesla’s autopilot feature stopping at a red traffic light The feature would mark an incremental step toward full autonomy It’s unclear if and when the feature will be included in future autopilot updates  By James … Read more

Justin Theroux dons mask and gloves while on a grocery run with lady friend amid coronavirus crisis

Justin Theroux wears a protective mask and gloves while out on a grocery run in NYC with a female companion amid coronavirus crisis By Kevin Kayhart For Published: 22:37 GMT, 27 March 2020 | Updated: 22:37 GMT, 27 March 2020 He has been sharing photos and videos of his home quarantine in New York … Read more

Virtual reality reduced Parkinson’s symptoms for 10 people

Virtual reality reduced Parkinson’s symptoms for 10 people: Six weeks of practice helped patients hone their muscle control and balance 10 people with Parkinson’s used the VR system for 30 minutes, three times a week over the course of 6 weeks They were much more adept at walking, turning, staying balanced afterwards By Mia De … Read more

Ireland in lockdown until at least April 12

Ireland’s Taoiseach Leo Varadkar tonight announced the country is in lockdown in a bid to tackle the spread of coronavirus. The announcement that people are to be ‘cocooned’ until April 12 comes as three further deaths due to the bug – one of which was a healthcare worker – were confirmed. Ireland’s death toll now stands … Read more

The prisoner of Downing St: Boris Johnson is marooned above the shop, writes RICHARD KAY

From the plumped up pillows of his king-size bed, through the tall windows above the famous rose garden, he can look down on the vast emptiness of Horse Guards Parade. Closer to home he can see the couriers bringing government papers, the delivery men with their supplies and the to-ing and fro-ing of visitors. But … Read more