White House chief of staff admits Trump’s condition on Friday morning was of serious concern

Donald Trump’s chief of staff revealed on Saturday evening that they were seriously concerned about the president on Friday, confirming for the first time how worrying the day was, as sources say Trump had heart palpitations and a temperature of 103. 

Mark Meadows, who is currently with Trump inside the Walter Reed hospital, said that on Friday the president’s blood oxygen levels plummeted and he was feverish.

‘He’s made unbelievable progress from yesterday morning, when a number of us – the doctor and I – were very concerned,’ Meadows told Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Mark Meadows on Saturday evening spoke to Fox News’ Judge Jeanine

Meadows, the chief of staff, is currently at Walter Reed hospital with President Trump

Meadows, the chief of staff, is currently at Walter Reed hospital with President Trump

‘Yesterday morning we were real concerned. He had a fever and his blood oxygenation had dropped rapidly.’ 

Meadows’ comments came shortly after Vanity Fair reported that the president ‘grew visibly anxious’ on Friday as his fever rose to 103 Fahrenheit.

Three Republicans close to the White House told the magazine that he was administered oxygen at the White House on Friday. 

Two sources further told the magazine that the 74-year-old experienced heart palpitations on Friday night, which were possibly side effects of the experimental antibody treatment he received. 

Trump reportedly began wondering aloud if he was going to die. 

‘Am I going out like Stan Chera?’ Trump has asked aides, referring to his friend, New York real-estate developer Stan Chera, who died of COVID in April. 

Meadows’ recollection of the president’s worsening condition on Friday was in stark contrast to his comments to reporters on Friday morning. 

He said Trump and his wife ‘remain in good spirits’, and that the president had ‘mild symptoms’.

‘He continues to be not only in good spirits but very energetic,’ said Meadows, adding that he had spoken to the president several times on Friday morning and the president had given Meadows work to do.

‘The great thing about this president is not only is he staying committed to working very hard for the American people, but his first question to me this morning was: “How is the economy doing? How are the stimulus talks going on Capitol Hill?”‘

Later on Friday, it now appears, the president’s condition significantly worsened.  

The White House was evasive about the president’s condition on Friday afternoon, and medics on Saturday did little to help clarify. 

Dr Sean Conley, the president’s personal physician, declined to answer some of the specific questions asked about Trump’s health, including how high his fever rose in recent days, when he last tested negative for the virus and whether he was ever administered supplemental oxygen since being diagnosed. 

A senior administration official later confirmed Vanity Fair’s reporting that Trump was given supplemental oxygen at the White House on Friday before going to Walter Reed.

Meadows is pictured with Trump as he gets out of Marine One at Walter Reed on Friday

Meadows is pictured with Trump as he gets out of Marine One at Walter Reed on Friday

Trump is pictured on Friday walking off Marine One and into the Walter Reed hospital

Trump is pictured on Friday walking off Marine One and into the Walter Reed hospital

Conley sparked confusion by saying that Trump had been confirmed as positive 72 hours ago – meaning that he had carried on traveling, mingling and campaigning while knowing he was infectious.

The White House was later forced to clarify that he meant three days ago, and not 72 hours ago. 

Trump himself on Saturday night said he was ‘starting to feel good’, posting a video on Twitter. 

Trump added that the treatments he is receiving are ‘miracles from God’ as he said that his wife Melania’s symptoms were not as severe as his own. 

‘We’re both doing well,’ Trump said in the four-minute Twitter video. 

‘Melania is really handling it very nicely. As you’ve probably read, she’s slightly younger than me, just a little tiny bit,’ he said of his 50-year-old wife. 

‘And therefore, we know the disease, we know the situation with age versus younger people and Melania is handling it statistically like it’s supposed to be handled and that makes me very happy, and it makes the country very happy, but I’m also doing well and I think we’re gonna have a very good result again.’