Police flee baying mob celebrating Pakistan Independence Day

A group of heavily-outnumbered police officers fled a baying street mob of hundreds of revellers attending an illegal party celebrating Pakistan Independence Day in locked-down Manchester.

Party goers gathered in Manchester’s so-called ‘Curry Mile’ on Friday night, in breach of the city’s reinforced lockdown rules which restrict outdoor gatherings to up to six people with social distancing enforced.

Police were eventually able to clear crowds after shutting the road – but not before a mob of revellers surrounded a line of officers from all angles while hurling abuse and chanting ‘Pakistan’. 

In the clip, several men crowded a female officer and shouted in her face before she was briefly separated from her colleagues.

Officers then closed ranks and forced the mob back, as the policewoman held her hands up calling for calm. 

In the clip, several men crowded a female officer and shouted in her face before she was briefly separated from her colleagues

A group of heavily-outnumbered police officers fled a baying street mob (pictured) after failing to break up an illegal party celebrating Pakistan Independence Day in locked-down Manchester

The officers are surrounded on all sides by the mob – some of whom grin amid the chaos – who continue to jostle with each other.

As the sound of air horns blare in the background, chants of ‘Pakistan’ and what appears to be ‘England’ ring out from the group.

As the shouts continue, the police begin to withdraw with one officer grabbing the female police officer by the arm and pulling her away.

The crowd jeers as the police hound them off the road.

Police eventually broke up the gathering and no arrests were made. 

Lockdown restrictions on social gatherings remain in Greater Manchester and some parts of northern England – despite measures being relaxed elsewhere in the country.

The extra rules were enforced on July 31 following a local spike in Covid-19 cases.

The officers are surrounded on all sides by the mob - some of whom grin amid the chaos - who continue to jostle with each other

As the sound of air horns blare in the background, chants of 'Pakistan' and what appears to be 'England' ring out from the group (pictured)

The officers are surrounded on all sides by the mob – some of whom grin amid the chaos – who continue to jostle with each other

Afzal Khan, MP for Manchester Gorton, also slammed the celebrations on Twitter

Afzal Khan, MP for Manchester Gorton, also slammed the celebrations on Twitter

Greater Manchester Police said it had received 2,459 emergency calls on Friday, compared to 1,590 on the same day last year. 

Detective Chief Inspector Carol Hobson said: ‘It is really disappointing to see behaviour of this type whilst we, as a community, are trying to combat coronavirus and keep each other safe.

‘Friday night is one of the busiest in terms of demand on the police service and incidents like this one pull invaluable resources away from other people who may need the police more desperately. These blatant breaches slow us down.’

Deputy Chief Constable Ian Pilling added: ‘I can honestly say that in 30 years of policing I have never seen anything quite as outrageous as this behaviour.

‘Quite frankly, it is beyond comprehension and I am incredibly disappointed that people feel they can gather in this way – blatantly flouting the rules.’

Afzal Khan, MP for Manchester Gorton, also slammed the celebrations on Twitter.

He wrote: ‘Disappointed, frustrated, and angered with the appalling behaviour on Wilmslow Road last night.

‘Not only is antisocial behaviour of this kind deeply disrespectful to Rusholme residents, ignoring the Covid-19 regulations puts us all at risk.

‘To those who came from outside Manchester, knowing full well the Covid situation across our region, your choice to visit Rusholme last night increases the danger of spreading the virus further here and at your home.

‘You should be ashamed – you have put your loved ones at risk.’ 

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: ‘On the evening of Friday 14 August, police attended areas of Wilmslow Road in Rusholme after reports of traffic issues and concerns regarding social distancing. 

‘The area was heavily congested with pedestrians congregating in large groups and numerous vehicles driving up and down the main road in an unsafe manner. 

‘On police attendance, it was necessary for the local officers to put road closures in place, to prevent access to vehicles along Wilmslow Road for the safety of the public. 

‘Officers also engaged with members of the public, encouraging people to disperse.

‘Officers also engaged with businesses, who were encouraged to consider temporarily closing until the situation became more manageable. 

‘GMP worked closely with a local councillor in order to engage with the community. No arrests were made.’

People dance to the loud music inside the gazebo

Ravers continued to flout social distancing guidlines

Hundreds of revellers (left and right) were filmed dancing at an illegal lockdown party in Gorton, Manchester, on August 15 

The street party came just one day before hundreds of revellers were caught partying inside a gazebo during an illegal lockdown party in Manchester where police officers were pelted with missiles.

Shocking footage caught on Snapchat shows the ravers flouting social distancing measures as they attended the illegal rave in Gorton on August 15. 

Following the incident, Greater Manchester Police confirmed that a woman, who they believe to be the party ‘organiser’, was slammed with a £100 penalty fine. 

During the footage, hundreds of people dance to the loud music with drinks in their hands and defy social distancing measures.

Officers arrived to the scene after receiving numerous complaints from residents on the street.  

Deputy Chief Constable Ian Pilling later told Manchester Evening News that the footage was now being reviewed by police.

He added that while officers did not break up the mass gathering by force due to being hit with missiles, they did stop others from joining the party and also issued an anti-social behaviour closure notice.