Shane Warne wears a personalised face mask while picking up Chinese herbs

That’s some expensive herbs! Shane Warne sets a good example as he wears his personalised ‘SW’ mask while visiting a skin clinic… but cops a parking ticket on his expensive Mercedes

He has been urging his fellow Victorians to wear a mask as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Victoria. 

And Shane Warne set a good example as he stepped out in his personalised mask while picking up his Chinese herbs on Saturday. 

But the former cricketer got a rude surprise when he returned to his Mercedes-Benz to find a parking ticket on the windscreen. 

That’s some expensive herbs! Shane Warne set a good example by wearing his personalised SW mask while visiting a skin clinic… but copped a parking ticket on his expensive Mercedes-Benz

Shane is self-isolating at his home in Brighton as Victoria continues through Stage Three lockdown. 

In March, he showed off his lavish home where he was self-quarantining with his family. 

He gave a tour of the property on Fox League, and revealed his mansion has its own nightclub area downstairs.

Oh no! Shane was seen awkwardly removing the parking ticket off her pricey SUV

Oh no! Shane was seen awkwardly removing the parking ticket off her pricey SUV

Last week, Melbourne were forced under stage three restrictions for six weeks after community transmissions of COVID-19 in Victoria skyrocketed in recent weeks.

The reimposed lockdown measures mean people can only leave their homes for four essential purposes including groceries, daily exercise, to give or receive care and to go to school or work.

On Sunday, Victoria recorded 459 new cases of coronavirus.