Julian Lewis kicked out of Tories for ‘working with Labour’

A Tory MP has been kicked out of the Tory party tonight for ‘working with Labour and the opposition’ after he beat Boris Johnson’s pick Chris Grayling to the chairmanship of the powerful Intelligence and Security Committee.

Dr Julian Lewis secured the role despite widespread expectation that Mr Grayling would receive the backing of the Conservative-dominated Intelligence and Security Committee.   

In a dramatic Westminster coup tonight, the Tory leadership took swift retribution against the Eurosceptic MP for New Forest East and removed the whip. 

It is widely believed Boris Johnson wanted former transport secretary Mr Grayling to become the chairman of the body which oversees the work of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. 

A senior Government source said the removal of the whip was because the MP was ‘working with Labour and other opposition MPs for his own advantage’.

Opposition parties lined up this evening to condemn the move against Dr Lewis as ‘grubby’ and ‘psychopath politics’.

Labour former frontbencher Chris Bryant said: ‘It’s a momentous failure of intelligence when a PM takes months to handpick Intelligence and Security Committee members so as to deliver the Chair he wants and they refuse to do his bidding. To then chuck the new chairman out of the party is to lose control/the plot.’ 

Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner branded the move against Dr Lewis ‘grubby’.  And the SNP’s Angus MacNeil commented: ‘We are in the world of psychopath politics… This is utterly jawdropping!’ 

Mr Grayling had been No10’s candidate for the role but a Labour and SNP ‘coup’ is said to have allowed fellow Tory Julian Lewis to secure the top job instead

Chris Grayling, MP, drives his car through the House of Commons gates this afternoon, smiling and expcting to become the new Head of the Intelligence and Security committee. However, in a surprising development, he was beaten by Dr Lewis

Chris Grayling, MP, drives his car through the House of Commons gates this afternoon, smiling and expcting to become the new Head of the Intelligence and Security committee. However, in a surprising development, he was beaten by Dr Lewis

But the committee members voted instead for former defence select committee chairman Dr Lewis.

It is thought Dr Lewis had only nominated himself for the role this afternoon after it became clear he would have the backing of all four Labour and SNP votes. 

With the Conservatives enjoying a majority – with five out of nine places on the committee – there had been concern at Westminster that the Tory members would be ‘whipped’ to support Mr Grayling despite concerns about his expertise.

Former national security adviser Lord Ricketts warned that Mr Grayling – who earned the nickname ‘Failing Grayling’ during a chequered ministerial career – does not ‘match up’ to the authority and reputation of former chairs.

Following Dr Lewis’s success, Lord Ricketts said the body was now in the ‘hands of someone with much wider experience of defence and security’.

The Tory leadership took swift action against Dr Lewis after he worked with the opposition to secure himself the chairmanship of the powerful Intelligence and Security Committee

The Tory leadership took swift action against Dr Lewis after he worked with the opposition to secure himself the chairmanship of the powerful Intelligence and Security Committee

As well as Mr Grayling and Dr Lewis, the members of the ISC are Tory MPs Theresa Villiers, Sir John Hayes and Mark Pritchard, Labour MPs Dame Diana Johnson and Kevan Jones, the Labour peer Admiral Lord West and the SNP MP Stewart Hosie.

Government purchases post-Brexit ‘lorry park’

The Government has purchased a 27-acre site in Kent which opponents fear will be turned into a post-Brexit ‘lorry park’.

The Department for Transport (DfT) was understood to be looking to buy the land near Ashford as it geared up for possible trade frictions as a result of leaving the EU.

But it led to concerns the site could be used as a giant car park for thousands of lorries waiting to travel to the continent.

In a letter to residents on Wednesday, transport minister Rachel Maclean confirmed the DfT had purchased the land and was now planning ‘two primary uses’ for the site.

She said: ‘First, government departments envisage using it as a permanent site for facilities related to future border processes, notably HMRC (as an office of departure/arrival for goods moved under ‘transit’ arrangements) and Defra (as a border control post for goods needing sanitary and phytosanitary checks).

‘Second, the site may also be used as a contingency lorry holding area for the particular, foreseeable risk of significant disruption at the end of the transition period.’

Ms Maclean said there was ‘no intention’ to develop the site as a permanent lorry holding facility for use in the event of ‘cross-Channel disruption’.

She said preparatory works on the site will begin this week, including the securing of the perimeter, clearing grass and vegetation and carrying out surveys.

Ashford MP Damian Green said he opposed plans to use the site as a ‘lorry park’ because of how close it would be to new housing developments and possible effects on access to Ashford’s William Harvey Hospital.

But he said he would not be against using some of the site for border-related checks.

‘I accept they need to be done somewhere that is near to the motorway,’ he told the PA news agency earlier this week.

‘That won’t affect local traffic, local air pollution and I think that’s a much more acceptable proposal than a temporary park for thousands of lorries.’

A DfT spokeswoman said: ‘At the end of this year the UK will become a fully independent country and take back control of our borders.

‘This site will form part of our ongoing plans to help ensure the free flow of freight at the border as we make our new start at the end of the transition period.’ 

Mr Johnson has faced criticism over the delay in appointing the committee which has not met since the last parliament was dissolved in November last year.

The committee has yet to publish its long-awaited report into Russian interference in UK politics after Mr Johnson refused to clear it for release before last year’s general election.

A committee source said: ‘This was a secret ballot but clearly for him (Mr Grayling) to lose, some Tories decided not to vote for him.’

Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Alistair Carmichael said Mr Johnson had appointed ‘yes men’ to the ISC but ‘true to form, however, failing Grayling has been undone in his bid to be chair’.

‘I hope we now have a committee with real teeth that can hold this Government to account,’ he added.

‘That starts by publishing the report into Russian interference of our democracy before the summer recess so MPs can scrutinise it fully.’ 

Mr Grayling, the former transport secretary, was Downing Street’s pick to take charge of the parliamentary body.   

Mr Grayling had nominated himself yesterday and was said to not be expecting a challenge. 

The former Cabinet minister had been widely expected to win the role after it became clear that he was Number 10’s preferred candidate.  

A parliamentary source told Sky News: ‘Someone lays out a red carpet for you and you manage somehow to trip over it and set it on fire.’

The ISC, which is tasked with scrutinising the work of the UK’s intelligence services, has not been convened since December 2019 after it was dissolved for the general election. 

It elected its members from across the House of Commons and the Lords earlier this week. 

Now that it has a chairman it will be under pressure to quickly publish a long-awaited report into Russian interference in UK democracy.  

SNP defence spokesman Stewart McDonald MP said: ‘This is another total shambles from the Tory government, which has failed to put in place a functioning Intelligence and Security Committee for more than six months since the election.

‘With his abysmal record of failure as a Tory minister, Chris Grayling is the only man who could lose a rigged election but it is right the committee has elected a chair and it should now get on with the crucial job of ensuring scrutiny and oversight of security matters, after months of delay.’

Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Alistair Carmichael said Mr Johnson had appointed ‘yes men’ to the ISC but ‘true to form, however, failing Grayling has been undone in his bid to be chair’.

‘I hope we now have a committee with real teeth that can hold this Government to account,’ he added.

‘That starts by publishing the report into Russian interference of our democracy before the summer recess so MPs can scrutinise it fully.’ 

It comes as Beijing accused Britain of working with the US to ‘discriminate, oppress and exclude’ Chinese firms and warned of jeopardised relations after Huawei was banned from the UK’s 5G network.

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner (pictured) branded the move against Dr Lewis 'grubby'

Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner (pictured) branded the move against Dr Lewis ‘grubby’

Boris Johnson faced a diplomatic backlash on Wednesday in response to his major U-turn over the Chinese tech giant, a move which Donald Trump claimed credit for.

The Prime Minister ordered telecoms firms to remove Huawei equipment from the 5G network by 2027 in a move costing billions and delaying the deployment of 5G by up to three years.

The ban came after a Government-ordered review found the security of Huawei’s equipment could not be guaranteed because of US sanctions.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying warned in a briefing that the ban ‘will only hurt the UK’s own interests’, adding: ‘This is a big world and the UK is just a small part of it.

Almost a third of firms preparing to lay off staff, report claims

Almost a third of firms are preparing to lay off staff, according to a devastating report. 

The threat of mass lay-offs comes ahead of figures which are today expected to show the biggest fall in employment since the 1980s. 

More than one million firms are claiming taxpayer support through the Job Retention Scheme, which is paying the wages of 9.4million workers. 

But a poll of 7,400 firms by the British Chambers of Commerce found that almost three in ten expect to decrease their workforce before the furlough scheme ends in October. 

A similar proportion (28 per cent) have already laid off staff since the lockdown began. 

Job prospects are bleaker at firms with ten or more staff, as more than four in ten expect to make redundancies in the next three months. 

Yesterday Boris Johnson said at Prime Minister’s Questions he cannot wave a ‘magic wand’ to save millions of jobs under threat from coronavirus. 

Capital Economics said it expects today’s report by the Office for National Statistics will show around 210,000 people lost their jobs in May, the biggest spike since the recession in the mid-1980s.

‘Without any evidence the UK under the pretext of risks which don’t exist at all cooperated with the US to discriminate, oppress and exclude Chinese companies in violation of the principle of market economy and free trade. This breaches the UK’s promises,’ she said.

‘The UK has made the wrong decision that undermines severely the Chinese company’s interests and the mutual trust between China and the UK.

‘This is about China facing a major threat in its investment security in the UK and our confidence whether the UK market can maintain openness, fairness and non-discriminatory … We have severe concerns on that and we remind all Chinese companies to pay attention to the increasing political and security risks.’

Meanwhile in London, China’s ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming accused Britain of behaving like a ‘junior partner’ of the US.

He suggested ministers imposed the ban because they ‘had to succumb to pressure’ from the ‘China hawks and China-bashers’.

Mr Johnson acted on Tuesday after coming under pressure from his own MPs on the Tory backbenches and from Mr Trump’s administration as the UK tries to broker a post-Brexit trade deal with the White House.

In a press conference, Mr Trump spoke of having ‘convinced many countries’ including the UK not to use Huawei.

The US president said: ‘I did this myself, for the most part,’ adding: ‘If they want to do business with us, they can’t use it.’

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will fly to the UK for talks next week, expected to cover 5G and China as well as a possible transatlantic trade deal.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock acknowledged the US sanctions played a role in the ban and said trade discussions were also an important consideration, but insisted it was ‘a sensible decision’.

‘We all know Donald Trump, don’t we?’ he told Sky News.

‘All sorts of people can try to claim credit for the decision, but this was based on a technical assessment by the National Cyber Security Centre about how we can have the highest quality 5G systems in the future.’

Downing Street insisted it was a UK decision in response to the assessment of the sanctions from the US which were ‘like nothing we had ever seen before’.

UK economy set for ‘incomplete V-shaped’ recovery, says Bank of England expert 

The UK economy is set for an ‘incomplete V-shaped’ recovery from the coronavirus crisis with a bounce back likely to stall at the end of 2020 because of rising unemployment, according to a Bank of England policymaker. 

Bank interest rate-setter Silvana Tenreyro said an anticipated increase in the number of people without work, likely caused by the removal of Government support in the coming months, will slow consumer spending. 

Meanwhile, continued social distancing in key parts of the economy like the hospitality sector and lingering coronavirus fears which may stop some shoppers from returning to the high street could also hinder growth. 

Ms Tenreyro predicted an ‘interrupted’ or ‘incomplete’ V-shaped recovery as an initial rebound in activity loses steam towards the end of the year.

‘The US imposed the sanctions, it was then for the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) to assess the impact of those sanctions on the security of the UK’s 5G network,’ the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said.

The UK’s Government was ‘clear eyed’ about dealing with China but ‘we remain committed to a constructive relationship’.

Huawei, which denies being a security threat, urged ministers to reconsider the move.

Telecoms firms will be banned from next year from purchasing new 5G equipment from Huawei and will have to remove all the Chinese company’s kit by 2027.

They are also expected to be ordered to shift away from the purchase of Huawei’s equipment for full-fibre broadband networks over a period lasting up to two years.

In January, the firm was given permission to play a limited role in the 5G network.

But Downing Street insiders acknowledged the sanctions imposed by the White House in May were a ‘game-changer’.

Ministers ordered a review by the National Cyber Security Centre into Huawei’s role in the UK after the sanctions barred Huawei’s access to products based on US semiconductor technology.

The NCSC’s technical director Ian Levy said products adapted to cope with the restrictions ‘are likely to suffer more security and reliability problems because of the massive engineering challenge ahead of them’.

And, he said, it would be ‘harder for us to be confident’ in their use within the mitigation measures already in place for the ‘high risk’ firm’s equipment.

Meanwhile, GCHQ’s protective signals intelligence network is on stand-by to detect and disrupt any attempt by China to mount cyber attacks on the UK in retaliation for the decision.

Rishi Sunak hints at looming tax rises to put government’s books on a ‘sustainable’ footing after watchdog warns the UK debt mountain could be up to £1TRILLION bigger in just five years’ time amid coronavirus crisis

by James Tapsfield, Political Editor for MailOnline

Rishi Sunak delivered another strong hint that tax rises are looming today as he insisted the public finances will need to be put back on a ‘strong and sustainable’ footing.

After the OBR warned about spiralling national debt from the coronavirus crisis, the Chancellor said he would need to take action to balance the books over the ‘medium term’. 

But despite the government watchdog stating that tax hikes and spending cuts are inevitable, Mr Sunak also appeared to shut down his options by echoing Boris Johnson’s vow that income tax, National Insurance and VAT will not increase before 2024 – in line with the Tory election manifesto.

The comments came as Mr Sunak gave evidence to MPs on the Commons Treasury committee this afternoon. 

The OBR warned yesterday that the government faces a gap of at least £60billion in its finances – equivalent to as much as 12p on the basic rate of income tax – as it poured cold water on hopes of a ‘V-shaped’ bounceback from coronavirus. 

It said GDP will fall by up to 14 per cent this year, the worst recession in 300 years, with national debt bigger than the whole economy. 

Underlining the scale of the hit, government liabilities could be £710billion more than previously expected by 2023-4. That is equivalent to nearly £11,000 for every man, woman and child in the UK.

If the ‘downside’ scenario comes to pass the national debt could be roughly £1trillion higher by 2024-25. 

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson insisted he does not have a ‘magic wand’ to save jobs today as he admitted that a wave of redundancies is looming. The PM said ‘no-one should underestimate the challenges’ the UK faces after the government’s watchdog warned four million people could be on the dole queue by next year.

After the OBR warned about spiralling national debt from the coronavirus crisis, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said he would need to take action to balance the books over the 'medium term'

After the OBR warned about spiralling national debt from the coronavirus crisis, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said he would need to take action to balance the books over the ‘medium term’

Public debt will soar as the UK reels from the coronavirus crisis, according to the watchdog's central scenario today. By 2023-4 the liabilities will be around £660billion higher than forecast in March before the chaos hit - and that does not include an extra £50billion from the mini-Budget

Public debt will soar as the UK reels from the coronavirus crisis, according to the watchdog’s central scenario today. By 2023-4 the liabilities will be around £660billion higher than forecast in March before the chaos hit – and that does not include an extra £50billion from the mini-Budget

And the  Bank of England warned that the UK economy is set for an ‘incomplete V-shaped’ recovery from the  coronavirus crisis with a bounce back likely to stall at the end of 2020 because of rising unemployment. 

Output might not return to last year’s level until the end of 2024, according to the estimates. Accounting for inflation, the country will still be 6 per cent poorer in 2025 in the gloomiest outcome. 

Meanwhile, unemployment could peak at 13 per cent in the first quarter of 2021 – which would mean more than four million people on the dole queue. 

That would be significantly worse than the 11.9 per cent jobless rate from 1984, and the highest since modern records began in the 1970s. The ‘central’ forecast is that 15 per cent of the 9.4million furloughed jobs will be lost.  

Challenged by the committee that tax rises will be needed in the Autumn Budget to stabilise the government’s finances, Mr Sunak said: ‘I can’t comment on future fiscal policy. But more broadly I would agree that strong and sustainable public finances are important.

Boris Johnson

Keir Starmer

Boris Johnson (left) insisted he does not have a ‘magic wand’ to save jobs as he clashed with Sir Keir Starmer (right) at PMQs today

The OBR's downside scenario sees unemployment rising to more than four million next year - with a rate higher than seen in the 1980s

The OBR’s downside scenario sees unemployment rising to more than four million next year – with a rate higher than seen in the 1980s

Output might not return to last year's level until the end of 2024, according to the new OBR estimates. Accounting for inflation, the country will still be 6 per cent poorer in 2025 in the gloomiest outcome

Output might not return to last year’s level until the end of 2024, according to the new OBR estimates. Accounting for inflation, the country will still be 6 per cent poorer in 2025 in the gloomiest outcome

The OBR suggested the national debt will be bigger than the whole economy in all but the most optimistic scenario

The OBR suggested the national debt will be bigger than the whole economy in all but the most optimistic scenario

‘It is something I believe in… That is something that over the medium term we will want to return the public finances to.’

He added later: ‘There are tough choices ahead, that is clear. There are some tough choice to come.’ 

Boris Johnson admits jobs WILL be lost after OBR watchdog warned 4MILLION could be on the dole queue by next year 

Boris Johnson insisted he does not have a ‘magic wand’ to save jobs today as he admitted that a wave of redundancies is looming.

The PM said ‘no-one should underestimate the challenges’ the UK faces after the government’s watchdog warned four million people could be on the dole queue by next year.

A dire assessment from the Office for Budget Responsibility yesterday also suggested public debt will rise by around £700billion over the next five years as a result of the coronavirus crisis. 

Pressed by Sir Keir Starmer at PMQs over what he would do to help prop up firms struggling to survive, Mr Johnson stressed the huge support being provided by the state.

But he said: ‘We cannot, I’m afraid, simply with a magic wand ensure that every single job that was being done before the crisis is retained after the crisis.’

Sir Keir also demanded to know what ministers were doing to prepare for a second spike of coronavirus in the Autumn. 

The premier shot back: ‘Not only are we getting on with implementing the preparations for a potential new spike, but he will know that the Government is engaged in record investments in the NHS.’


Pressed on whether the Tory manifesto ‘triple tax lock’ would be honoured, he said: ‘Our ambition is to deliver on all the priorities that we set out…. I always agree with the Prime Minister.’

Mr Sunak stressed that a famous rule that economies struggled when debts were above 90 per cent of GDP had been written in a time when interest rates were not as low.

Extraordinarily, the government sold £3.8billion of gilts today at negative interest rates – meaning that those who bought them will get less back in 2023 than they paid. The success of the auction is partly a sign of the weakness of the economy with low inflation, but also demonstrates there is high demand to lend the government money. 

Earlier, Mr Johnson insisted he does not have a ‘magic wand’ to save jobs today as he admitted that a wave of redundancies is looming.

The PM said ‘no-one should underestimate the challenges’ the UK faces after the OBR warned four million people could be on the dole queue by next year.

Pressed by Sir Keir Starmer at PMQs over what he would do to help prop up firms struggling to survive, Mr Johnson stressed the huge support being provided by the state.

But he said: ‘We cannot, I’m afraid, simply with a magic wand ensure that every single job that was being done before the crisis is retained after the crisis.’

Sir Keir also demanded to know what ministers were doing to prepare for a second spike of coronavirus in the Autumn. 

The premier shot back: ‘Not only are we getting on with implementing the preparations for a potential new spike, but he will know that the Government is engaged in record investments in the NHS.’

At PMQs, Sir Keir said the Government’s decision not to provide sector-specific support to those most at risk ‘could end up costing thousands of jobs’.

Sir Keir said: ‘Over the last few months we’ve supported many of the economic measures announced by the Government but the decision last week not to provide sector specific support to those most at risk could end up costing thousands of jobs.

A shocking longer forecast from the OBR suggests that national debt will be more than five times the size of the economy by 2070

A shocking longer forecast from the OBR suggests that national debt will be more than five times the size of the economy by 2070

Official figures showed GDP grew by 1.8 per cent in May, although it is still nearly a quarter lower than before the draconian coronavirus restrictions were imposed. In this chart 100 represents the size of the economy in 2016

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has laid out a bewildering array of spending and loans to try to prop up the country during the crisis

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has laid out a bewildering array of spending and loans to try to prop up the country during the crisis

‘One of the sectors, aviation, has already seen huge redundancies. BA have announced 12,000 redundancies, Virgin, 3,000, easyJet 1,900.

‘If the Government’s priority really is to protect jobs, why did the Chancellor not bring forward sector specific deals that could have done precisely that?’

Mr Johnson replied: ‘No one should underestimate the scale of the challenge that this country faces and that is why the Chancellor has brought forward a range of measures which by the way he supported last week.’

But he added: ‘Let’s be absolutely clear, British Airways and many other companies are in severe difficulties at the moment and we cannot, I’m afraid, simply with a magic wand ensure that every single job that was being done before the crisis is retained after the crisis.

‘What we can do and what we are doing is encouraging companies to keep their workers on with the Job Retention Scheme, with the Job Retention Bonus and with a massive programme in investing in this country, a £600million investment programme in this country to build, build, build and create jobs, jobs, jobs.’