Peter Andre’s wife Emily fears spreading coronavirus to her children

She’s been among those on the front line battling the coronavirus.

And Peter Andre’s wife Emily MacDonagh, 30, has openly admitted she fears spreading COVID-19 to her children as she returns home from battling the disease as a doctor.

The mother-of-two wrote in OK! Magazine that she’s trying to be ‘sensible’ by limiting contact with her children, and described living in the midst of the pandemic as ‘challenging.’

Hard times: Peter Andre’s wife Emily MacDonagh, 30, (pictured bottom left) has admitted she fears spreading COVID-19 to her children after working on the NHS frontline

Emily said: ‘If I wasn’t working for the NHS then I would only be leaving my house if it was absolutely necessary.

‘Of course I’m worried that I could potentially bring it home to the kids, but I’m trying to be sensible and washing my hands and changing out of my clothes straight away before having a shower.

‘I’m also not going too near them where possible, but it’s a challenging time.’ 

Candid: The mother-of-two said she's trying to be 'sensible' by limiting the contact she has with her children

Candid: The mother-of-two said she’s trying to be ‘sensible’ by limiting the contact she has with her children

Peter has openly praised his wife for her hard work, as he revealed last week they’ve been staying in separate rooms to protect their children from contracting the virus. 

The singer, 47, says he and Emily are doing all they can to stay safe during this troubling time and he admits he is ‘worried for her safety’ as she works on the frontline.

Talking from his home on Good Morning Britain, Peter also spoke about home-schooling the children while Emily is at work.

Honest: Peter has openly praised his wife for her hard work, as he revealed last week they've been staying in separate rooms to protect their children from contracting the virus

Honest: Peter has openly praised his wife for her hard work, as he revealed last week they’ve been staying in separate rooms to protect their children from contracting the virus

Lorraine Kelly asked Peter how it was all going and he said: ‘My appreciation for teachers has gone way, way high.’

He added: ‘It’s nothing compared to what Emily’s doing and NHS staff and carers up and down the country. What I’m doing is absolutely nothing to that, but it’s got its own challenges because I’m not used to it. 

‘I’m used to having the kids around, but I’m not used to the homework side of it. The kids are starting to realise that I’m not as smart as I thought I was!’

Lorraine then asked Peter if he’s got a structure or routine and he responded: ‘Yes, but as most guys would know, we don’t do well structure, it ends up being destructure, destructing! It’s all a bit of a mess. 

‘Yesterday, for example, I tried to make bread in between their homework and us doing things, and I mean the thing nearly exploded.’

Piers Morgan then said he’s been looking after his daughter for a bit and added that ‘The Dads have been getting away with murder for years’.

Doing his best: Peter was joined by his daughter Princess, 12, as he spoke about the difficulties of homeschooling his four children

Doing his best: Peter was joined by his daughter Princess, 12, as he spoke about the difficulties of homeschooling his four children 

Pete said: ‘That’s exactly right, Piers. We’ve been getting away with murder for years, I’ve realised that now.’

Piers then commented he must be proud but fearful for Emily who’s a doctor and working on the frontline.

Pete replied: ‘Yeah, I am… Emily, along with all the NHS staff and carers are now exposed to something… when they come home, their exposure means that we’ve got to be careful, they’ve got to be careful, obviously, so we have to have some sort of distance, because we don’t want the kids to catch it, so it’s a little bit difficult times.

Sharing is caring: Piers Morgan joked that dads have been getting away with murder for years as they helped out more with the kids and Pete agreed

Sharing is caring: Piers Morgan joked that dads have been getting away with murder for years as they helped out more with the kids and Pete agreed 

‘But she’s my absolute hero for doing this, so many people are just stepping up to the plate. This is a really serious issue and I’ve agreed with you all along when you’re telling people, ‘Listen to what’s going on. This isn’t a joke, this is serious.’

Piers then asked Pete if Emily is worried about a lack of protective gear available at work and Pete, said: ‘Yeah, honestly I do feel that. Maybe they just weren’t prepared for this… it’s obvious because you can see the protective gear they’re wearing is just a paper mask which is not going to be that protective.’

He added: ‘She obviously tells me a lot of stuff because of confidentiality, but because she’s exposed to the virus quite a lot at the moment in the last few days, it means now at home .. we’re having to… it’s weird to say, but we’re having to be in separate rooms and the reason for that is because I’m the one who has to have the kids now and so if I’m exposed to it as well… I’m just scared the kids are going to get it.’

Proud: Peter called his wife his 'absolute hero' for doing what she does and saving others

Proud: Peter called his wife his ‘absolute hero’ for doing what she does and saving others 

Pete’s daughter, Princess, then popped into the video and Lorraine asked if he’s doing a good job and she said: ‘No! He’s not smart!’

Piers asked Princess what her dad’s cooking is like and she said: ‘His cooking’s the best!’ Pete added: ‘I’ve found my place!’

On how she’s feeling being at home and not being at school, Princess said: ‘It’s nice being at home, but school’s probably better for learning.’

And on keeping in touch with friends, she said: ‘I just text on my phone.’

Pete said: ‘She’s not allowed her phone in her room but it means she can only be on the phone when she’s downstairs and that’s why, when she’s here, her head’s facing down the whole time. 

‘But she’s got loads of homework to do. Junior had seven hours of homework yesterday. 

‘Personally I think it’s a bit harsh because the kids aren’t used to being at home and doing schoolwork at home, but I’m not a headmaster, I’m not a teacher, I’m only doing what I’m being told to do – they’ll get marked accordingly.’ 

On Monday, Pete praised Emily and her colleagues for working as she admitted knowing she’s at risk of catching coronavirus.

The former pop star shared a photograph of his wife and her medical workmates holding up signs urging people to stay at home, and thanked all NHS staff for the incredible work they’re doing.

He wrote: ‘Proud 🙂 Thank you so much to ALL the NHS and the carers up and down the country.’

Meanwhile, writing in her OK! magazine column, Emily detailed the reality of being a doctor at this scary time, noting her awareness of her increased risk of catching Covid-19. 

She wrote: ‘At the time of writing this, myself, Pete and the kids are all fine. As a doctor, I am obviously continuing to work as normal unless any of us get any symptoms.

‘The chances are some us are probably going to get it, but we just have to be sensible and listen to the government’s advice.’

Grateful: Peter shared his thanks to the healthcare professions across the UK

Grateful: Peter shared his thanks to the healthcare professions across the UK

While Emily continued her vital work at their local NHS hospital, Peter Andre turned school teacher for the day as he home-schooled his four children.

The Mysterious Girl hitmaker put down a huge polka dot picnic mat for his four children to begin their home-schooling with an arts and crafts day. 

Princess pained a pretty rainbow alongside her brother Junior, 14, and their half-sister Amelia, 6, while little Theodore, 3, tried to climb on his box of toys.

Scary! Emily detailed the reality of being a doctor at this scary time, noting her awareness of her increased risk of catching Covid-19 (Pictured in July 2019)

Scary! Emily detailed the reality of being a doctor at this scary time, noting her awareness of her increased risk of catching Covid-19 (Pictured in July 2019)

Peter’s post came just hours before prime minister Boris Johnson impost a nationwide lockdown in a bid to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

As of Monday, 335 people have died out of over 5,683 Covid-19 cases in the UK, and now people are not allowed to leave their homes – with a few exceptions.

Only essential work that cannot be done at home, exercise, and picking up food or medical supplies are valid reasons to go outside. 

Weddings and social gatherings have been outlawed and all shops have been banned from opening except for those selling food and medicines. 

Sporting events, music festival and other social gatherings have been either cancelled or postponed due to the crisis.