I’m glad I stayed in Wuhan – says British teacher who stayed in the Chinese city

I’m glad I stayed in Wuhan – I’m out of lockdown and you’re still stuck in it, says British teacher who stayed in the Chinese city where coronavirus originated Chris Hill, 38, didn’t fly back to the UK because he didn’t want to leave his family  He spent 76 days in lockdown in Wuhan but … Read more

Briton living in Wuhan reveals joy of freedom after lockdown tainted by draconian security measures

As lockdown in Wuhan is finally lifted, a 32-year-old British expat who has been working in the city for several years sends this vivid despatch on the realities of freedom.  At midnight on Tuesday, I was woken up by whoops and cheers of ‘Come on Wuhan’ as my neighbours in this city of 11 million … Read more

Flight from Wuhan, the original coronavirus epicentre arrives in SYDNEY carrying mystery cargo

A plane carrying cargo directly from Wuhan, the original epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic, touched down in Sydney on Wednesday night. Airline employees and cargo handlers dressed in protective gear began unpacking the plane in the dead of night after the plane landed at about 9.30pm. One man in a hazmat suit was pictured carrying … Read more

Chinese student, 16, who studied in the UK brings the coronavirus BACK to Wuhan

Wuhan reports its first ‘imported case’: Chinese student, 16, who studies in the UK brings the coronavirus BACK to the former epicentre after flying home from Newcastle – despite showing NO symptoms The city last week declared that it had largely curbed the coronavirus outbreak  Local health officials today reported the 16-year-old as its first … Read more

Documentary of a Wuhan virologist catching wild bats fuels conspiracy theory

A documentary showing a Chinese virologist catching wild bats in mountains have fuelled a conspiracy theory, which suggests that the novel coronavirus may have originated in Wuhan’s disease control authority. The seven-minute film features the centre’s researcher Tian Junhua, who has visited dozens of caves in Hubei province to capture the flying mammal. It has … Read more

Wuhan doctor who went public over spread of coronavirus ‘goes missing’

A Wuhan doctor who was among the first to alert other medics to the spread of coronavirus has disappeared sparking concerns that she has been detained, reports suggest.  Dr Ai Fen said she faced ‘unprecedented, extremely harsh reprimanded’ by officials at Wuhan Central Hospital after she shared a picture of a patient report labelled ‘SARS coronavirus’.  The image … Read more

Locals in Wuhan believe 42,000 people may have died from coronavirus

Locals in Wuhan believe 42,000 people may have died in the coronavirus outbreak there not the 3,200 claimed by Chinese authorities Coronavirus has killed 3,300 people in China and infected more than 81,000 But Wuhan residents claim 500 urns were handed to grieving families every day Means ashes of 3,500 people are distributed every 24 hours, … Read more

Delivery of 5,000 URNS to Wuhan funeral home raises fears China is underplaying nation’s death toll

Delivery of 5,000 URNS to funeral home in coronavirus epicentre Wuhan raises fears China is underplaying nation’s official 3,300 death toll China has partially lifted the lockdown on Wuhan where the virus originated The country has reported 3,300 deaths and has been overtaken by US and Italy But locals have reported thousands of funeral urns … Read more

China’s coronavirus epicentre Wuhan lifts lockdown travel restrictions for first time in two months

The Chinese city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus outbreak first emerged, began lifting a two-month lockdown on Saturday.   People are now allowed to enter the city, in China’s Hubei province, and hundreds were pictured arriving at the railway station today.  However, people will not be allowed to leave until April 8 and the vast majority … Read more