Woke warrior clergyman faces probe for calling Clap for Capt Tom a ‘white British nationalist cult’

A prominent black gay clergyman forced to apologise after calling the clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore a ‘cult of white British nationalism’ is now being investigated by the Church of England and is a hostile anti-Tory who has repeatedly called Boris Johnson and Priti Patel ‘oppressors’, MailOnline can reveal today. The Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown has deleted his … Read more

Rupert Murdoch says media needs to ‘confront wave of censorship’ and slams ‘awful woke orthodoxy’

Rupert Murdoch, 89, warns that ‘awful woke orthodoxy’ is suppressing freedom of speech in a wave of censorship’ as he receives lifetime achievement award and says ‘I’m far from done’ The 89-year-old made the remarks in a prerecorded video shown on Saturday Murdoch received an award from British non-profit Australia Day Foundation He told those … Read more

Labour MPs slam ‘out of touch’ Lisa Nandy over ‘woke’ comments

Labour MPs slam ‘patronising, out of touch, metropolitan elite’ Lisa Nandy for ‘focusing on trans rights’ when it’s ‘not top of the agenda for working class voters’ as she accuses Boris Johnson of ‘trying to start a culture war over a statue of Churchill’ Lisa Nandy accused PM of ‘trying to start a culture war … Read more

Awkward moment Boris Johnson squirms as he is asked if Joe Biden is ‘woke’

A ruffled Boris Johnson squirmed when asked about whether Joe Biden is ‘woke’ and insisted there is ‘nothing wrong’ with being right-on as he prepares to speak to the new US President on Zoom as early as today. The Prime Minister was visibly uncomfortable and dodged the question about America’s left-wing successor to Donald Trump … Read more

The Royle Family is latest BBC show slapped with ‘woke’ discriminatory language warning

The Royle Family is the latest BBC show to be given a warning for discriminatory language due to Jim Royle’s ‘nancy boy’ slur.  The third episode of the second series, which first aired on 7 Oct 1999, sees Ricky Tomlinson’s disagreeable character watching an episode of Changing Rooms, during which he calls Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen a ‘nancy boy’.  Following similar … Read more

BMW causes controversy with ‘woke’ and expletive-laden promo video

German car giant BMW has outraged motorists with a controversial ‘bullsh*t’ online marketing video that critics say mocks its older core baby-boomer customers and denigrates one of the firm’s most successful flagship limousines – the classic 7-series. It may also hit sales as motorists take to social media to say they took the insults ‘personally’ … Read more

West Midlands Police blasted for spending £180,000 on woke jobs after advertising for fairness chief

West Midlands Police is blasted for spending £180,000 on TWO more ‘woke’ jobs after advertising for fairness and belonging chief They are hiring an assistant director of talent and organisational effectiveness   The force, who have saw major cuts since 2010, will pay £73,340 a year for role A job as a £28,725-a-year engagement and consultation officer also … Read more

Priti Patel tackles the woke police chiefs who let mobs tear down statues

Priti Patel is planning to launch a ‘power grab’ against woke police chiefs and ‘failing’ police and crime commissioners, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The Home Secretary will this month present the recommendations of her review into the powers of PCCs, which will include looking at the police’s ‘operational independence’. It is understood the … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: This woke madness goes from Bard to worse 

War Horse author Sir Michael Morpurgo is refusing to include The Merchant Of Venice in a new book adapting Shakespeare’s plays for children under 16. He has decided the anti-Semitic portrayal of Jewish money lender Shylock is too ‘raw’ for young minds. Without doubt, the play may be considered offensive by modern standards. But that … Read more

SARAH VINE: This was the year terrestrial TV died as the BBC ushered in New Year with woke fireworks

With the exception of Masterchef and the Antiques Roadshow, I’ve more or less given up watching the BBC, as it seems to be living in a parallel universe where Frankie Boyle is funny and Alastair Campbell is still running Downing Street. But like a fool I tuned in anyway on New Year’s Eve, expecting to … Read more