‘We’ve all got the virus, na na na na!’ British tourists taunt police with coronavirus in Benidorm

British tourists have been filmed chanting ‘we’ve all got the flu, na na na na!’ and taunting police in Spain as they defy the country’s lockdown during the coronavirus outbreak.  Footage shows at least 50 Britons, some topless and others appearing to sip from cans of beer, yelling outside a block of flats in Benidorm … Read more

Spain deploys the ARMY to airports to keep tourists safely apart at ‘packed’ terminals

The exodus of Brits from Spain gathered speed today as airports witnessed scenes more typical of summer.  Members of Spain’s military emergency unit (UME) are being deployed at transport hubs such as South Tenerife and Malaga Airport as part of an operation to make sure people keep a safe distance from each other. Nearly 1,000 soldiers … Read more

Thousands of tourists and expats are stranded after country entered two-week lockdown 

Hundreds of thousands of British tourists and expats are stranded in Spain today after the country entered an unprecedented two-week lockdown. Panicked holidaymakers were last night scrambling to escape after the Spanish government declared a state of emergency over coronavirus. The drastic action came as the country’s death toll from the outbreak more than doubled … Read more

The countries that have imposed travel restrictions for British tourists

Holiday plans for scores of Britons have been flung into chaos as countries shut their borders to seal themselves off from the coronavirus pandemic. Europe has been branded the epicentre of the global outbreak, and many nations have responded to a jump in infections by imposing flight freezes. After a string of countries closed their … Read more

Tourists to Spanish resorts are told to stay inside

Several planes flying from the UK to Spain turned around mid-flight and are heading back to Britain. This comes one day after the Spanish government announced 15-day state of emergency due to the spread of coronavirus – which has infected more than 4,000 people and caused 120 deaths in Spain alone. At least five Jet2 flights … Read more

American tourists desperate to flee Europe descend on Barcelona airport

Panic has ensued as American tourists and students desperately tried to flee Europe after President Donald Trump stopped all travel from the continent to the United States.   Hundreds of tourists, confused as to whether they will be let back home, were seen rushing to El Prat Airport in Barcelona, Spain, after Trump announced a 30-day travel restriction … Read more

Hungry monkeys in Thailand fight over banana after tourists stay way because of coronavirus

Planet of the apes! Hundreds of hungry monkeys swarm across Thai street as ‘rival gangs’ fight over food after tourists who normally feed them stay away because of coronavirus Monkeys normally well fed by tourists in city of Lopburi, central Thailand But visitors have plummeted because of the coronavirus gripping the world Skirmish between monkey … Read more

Coronavirus: British tourists quarantined in Vietnam

British tourists quarantined for coronavirus in Vietnam: One couple are accused of ‘spreading the disease everywhere’ as others reveal ‘filthy’ hospital conditions Graham and Mary Craddock picked up coronavirus on their flight from Heathrow Were told by officials they infected people ‘everywhere’ after visiting Hanoi Glenys and Eric Holmes are being quarantined in Loi Cai … Read more

Rome is deserted as coronavirus drives tourists away

Italian attractions usually brimming with tourists have been deserted in recent days amid fears of the spread of the deadly coronavirus.  Today, the Italian government rolled out a harsh coronavirus containment strategy after the number of deaths spiked by 36 in a single day. The number of tourists pictured at some of the country’s most … Read more

Fascinating vintage images show Rome in 1956 – before it was bombarded with tourists 

Around 10million self-taking tourists cram into Rome’s streets and around its ancient sites each year. But it wasn’t always so. These fascinating vintage pictures taken in 1956 show a far less hectic Eternal City. The black-and-white snaps were captured by photographer Allan Hailstone, from Coventry, on a trip to Rome as a schoolboy in August … Read more