Test pupils for coronavirus in school so they can return to classrooms, says Tony Blair’s think-tank

All pupils should be tested for coronavirus at school to prove it’s safe to return, Tony Blair’s think-tank has urged the Prime Minister. Parents will be too scared of coronavirus to send their children to school in September unless stricter testing systems are put in place, the Institute for Global Change found. There is an … Read more

Labour Left blasts Sir Keir Starmer for taking advice from ‘hated’ former Prime Minister Tony Blair 

Labour Left blasts Sir Keir Starmer for taking advice from ‘hated’ former Prime Minister Tony Blair Labour’s hard-Left last night branded Sir Kier Starmer ‘Continuity Blair’  MPs who dislike former PM Tony Blair after Starmer consulted with predecessor Sources say they spoke ‘more than once’ but refused to say what talked about By Brendan Carlin … Read more

Science chief Patrick Vallance offers hope for two-metre rule easing

Matt Hancock today said ministers are trying to thrash out a replacement for the two-metre rule – after the government’s chief suggested lower distances can be ‘managed’. The Health Secretary refused to say when the review of the draconian restrictions will be complete, despite a mounting revolt from Tory MPs and business over the damage … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson ‘hopes’ to change two-metre rule

Boris Johnson signalled tonight he wants the two-metre coronavirus social distancing rule axed as soon as possible as he admitted it was poisoning Britain’s economic recovery. The Prime Minister appealed to the nation for patience as he told anxious workers and business owners ‘we hear you’ as he fronted tonight’s Downing Street press conference. Answering … Read more

Lord Hague tells Boris Johnson to listen to Tony Blair and roll-out Covid testing on ‘massive scale’

The number of UK workers on the payroll tumbled by 600,000 between March and May amid warnings of ‘disaster’. Official figures showed employment was down 0.8 per cent in April, as the impact of the coronavirus lockdown started to be felt – although the worst of the hit appears to have been offset by the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Tony Blair urges Government to introduce mass testing programme

Tony Blair today urged the Government to set up a mass testing programme which would see the bulk of the UK population checked for coronavirus as he suggested that is the only way to prevent a second outbreak.  The former prime minister said the Government needs to make use of all available laboratory capacity and … Read more

Remainer peer passed on information to help expose Dominic Cummings alleged Covid-19 breach

Remainer peer passed on information to ‘very good contacts in the region’ to help expose Dominic Cummings’s alleged Covid-19 breach when he drove to Durham Former Durham MP Hilary Armstrong is being feted by Labour colleagues Sources revealed that Lady Armstrong received reports about six weeks ago She passed on the ‘tip off’ that he … Read more

Former UK Prime Minister blasts Donald Trump’s leadership

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair questions Trump’s leadership in facing ‘terrifying’ coronavirus pandemic and says the ‘absence of global coordination’ worries him Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, who served from 1997 to 2007, questioned President Donald Trump’s leadership amid the pandemic in an interview Friday He pointed out that there’s a lack of global … Read more

‘Independent SAGE’ chief warns schools cannot reopen safely on June 1

Tony Blair’s Chief Scientific Adviser when he was prime minister today claimed it is not safe to reopen on June 1 as scores of councils pulled their support. Sir David King, who chairs the ‘Independent Sage’ committee, said it is ‘too soon’ for children to return and claims ‘new modelling’ found the risk to children would … Read more

Tony Blair BACKS Boris Johnson’s plans to reopen schools

Tony Blair has said Boris Johnson’s administration is right to be opening schools again. The Prime Minister’s plans to start sending children back to school next month has come under attack from teaching unions and some local authorities, with critics arguing it is too soon to lift the coronavirus-related lockdown restrictions. Mr Johnson, in his … Read more