Can a smart pillow stop you snoring? FEMAIL puts high-tech bedding to the test

Like so many things in life, when it comes to pillows, it’s what’s inside that counts. Forget feathers, foam or polyester, now we have personalised, ergonomic, high-tech pillows with space-age stuffing, said to beat wrinkles, keep you cool or smell of pineapple. This week, John Lewis launched a pillow that it claims can stop snoring. … Read more

Italy closes schools and universities as it plans a ban on KISSING to stop the coronavirus spread

Italy closed all schools and universities and prepared other emergency measures on Wednesday to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus in Europe’s worst-hit country as the death toll and number of cases jumped. The total number of dead in Italy rose to 107 after 28 people died of the highly contagious virus over … Read more

Hinge will PAY 2,500 users $100 to stop swiping and meet one of their matches in real life

Dating app Hinge will PAY 2,500 users $100 to temporarily stop swiping and meet one of their matches in real life The dating app will send you a $100 Visa card for going on a real life date Hinge’s offer is valid for up to 2,500 users and starts on Friday March 6  Users will … Read more

Midwives are told to stop refusing epidurals in labour

Midwives are to be told to stop refusing epidurals to women in labour after a government probe found that many are being denied pain relief despite asking for it. Epidurals should be given to women if they want them, guidelines from the NHS watchdog says, usually within an hour. But the inquiry by the Department … Read more

Italy plans a ban on KISSING to stop coronavirus spread

Italy plans a ban on KISSING to stop coronavirus spread The number infected in Italy soared to more than 2,500 today, including 79 dead PM Giuseppe Conte’s government is expected to provide new health rules today The recommendations for all of Italy include not to kiss, hug or shake hands Meanwhile a government source said all … Read more

Calling overweight people fat or lazy must stop ‘to fight against the obesity epidemic’

Calling overweight people fat or lazy must stop because stigma is blocking the fight against the obesity epidemic, experts have said. A statement made by 100 health professionals worldwide said prejudice against overweight people can cause both physical and mental harm. The ‘social exclusion’ faced by people with obesity is similar to that of diseases in the … Read more

Cannabis addict who stabbed five people did it to stop voices in his head

A deranged knifeman who stabbed five people in a four-day rampage told doctors he was smoking cannabis every day to help him manage voices in his head, a court heard. Jason Kakaire, 30, knifed four men and a woman in a horrific spree of violence in Edmonton, north London.  Kakaire, who had a history of … Read more

Pete Buttigieg endorses Joe Biden as moderates go all-out to stop Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden snagged a trio of endorsements from his formal Democratic rivals Monday night in a show of force designed to give the former vice president momentum heading into the critical Super Tuesday contests and stop Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination.  Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Beto O’Rourke all gave Biden their blessing, handing … Read more

Experts say you MUST stop touching your face to curb the spread of coronavirus

The coronavirus has now spread to almost 70 countries around the world and health officials are scrambling to stop people spreading the virus among themselves. But with many patients not realizing they’re ill, and others carrying on with normal life until they are diagnosed, the fast-spreading infection is proving difficult to contain. Avoiding an infection … Read more

TikTok uses its most popular influencers to tell its young users to ‘STOP scrolling and go outside’

TikTok is telling users to stop scrolling and ditch the app in a bid to curb smartphone addiction. Influencers with thousands, and in some case millions, of followers, make videos that are posted and promoted by the account @TikTokTips, which is run by the site.  The videos feature earnest pleas from internet celebrities talking about … Read more