Sturgeon row: Scottish Health Secretary Jeane Freeman dismisses calls for FM to quit

The Scottish Health Secretary today defended her under-fire boss Nicola Sturgeon, claiming the First Minister has ‘led by example’ while accusing her critics of playing ‘partisan politics’ amid growing calls for her resignation. Cabinet minister Jeane Freeman also said leaks accusing the SNP leader of misleading the Scottish Parliament over her handling of sexual harassment … Read more

If Scottish police come knocking, I’ll give them a cup of tea but no more, says DAVID DAVIS

In Scotland this week, we should see the climax of an extraordinary political storm with serious implications for transparency and democracy in these islands. We cannot predict how events will unfold. But we know how they should. To put an end to her long and destructive row with Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon should tender her resignation … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon’s career on a knife-edge as she faces result of two inquiries

Nicola Sturgeon’s political future was on a knife-edge last night as she faced three make-or-break days that could end her career. Scotland’s First Minister is awaiting the judgment of two inquiries, which will rule on whether she broke strict parliamentary rules. Tomorrow, James Hamilton QC is set to reveal the results of his probe into … Read more

Disgraced SNP finance secretary Derek Mackay, 43, quits party

Disgraced SNP finance secretary Derek Mackay, 43, quits party after he was suspended for bombarding boy, 16, with 270 messages – including calling him ‘cute’ and inviting him to dinner Mr Mackay quit Ms Sturgeon’s cabinet hours before he was due to deliver Budget He was claimed to have befriended the boy on Facebook and … Read more

Sturgeon makes clear she will ignore committee finding she misled Holyrood

Nicola Sturgeon is facing fury today after making clear she will ignore a bombshell inquiry finding in a leaked report that she misled the Scottish Parliament over her handling of sexual harassment claims against Alex Salmond.  A committee of MSPs said the First Minister’s ‘inaccurate’ evidence to them amounted to a ‘potential breach of the ministerial … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon DID mislead Scottish Parliament over Alex Salmond evidence, committee concludes

Nicola Sturgeon misled the Scottish Parliament over her handling of harassment claims against Alex Salmond, an inquiry has sensationally concluded. A committee of MSPs said the First Minister ‘potentially breached the ministerial code’, which is generally considered a resignation offence, and tonight she was facing fresh calls to quit. Their bombshell report came after Ms … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon under pressure after bombshell messages exposed

Nicola Sturgeon is facing demands for answers today after a Tory MP revealed bombshell messages suggesting her chief of staff was ‘interfering’ in the complaints process about the Alex Salmond case. Pressure is mounting on the First Minister for an explanation after Former Cabinet minister David Davis used Parliamentary privilege to reveal messages indicating senior aide … Read more

Tory MP uses Parliamentary Privilege to reveal explosive emails about Alex Salmond case

Tory MP David Davis reveals explosive emails and texts claiming Nicola Sturgeon’s chief of staff knew about Alex Salmond complaints two months earlier than she says and was ‘interfering’ in the process David Davis used parliamentary privilege in the Commons to reveal messages  He said that a whistleblower passed him messages between senior SNP official  … Read more

Woman left red-faced after confusing aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth with monarch

SNP supporter is left red-faced when she demands to know why HMS Queen Elizabeth is allowed to visit Scotland – only to be told it is the aircraft carrier, not the monarch Twitter user Kerry Newton confused Police’s message about aircraft carrier thinking it was about the Queen Ms Newton questioned why the Queen was … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon faces more sexual harassment cover-up claims as SNP chief whip resigns

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today admitted that she was aware of ‘a concern’ about SNP chief whip Patrick Grady before a formal sexual harassment complaint was made about him. The Glasgow North MP, 41, stood aside as chief whip in Westminster last week following claims he groped two male researchers at an SNP Christmas … Read more