UK’s chief scientist admits Government should not have restricted coronavirus testing

Britain should have done mass coronavirus testing on the public at the beginning of the crisis and carried it on, the Government’s chief scientist has said. Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser to Downing Street, admitted yesterday that it ‘would have been beneficial’ to get a handle on testing faster. When the first cases … Read more

Government scientist: I was ousted for resisting demands to ‘flood’ U.S. with hydroxychloroquine

A government scientist was ousted after the Trump administration ignored his dire warnings about COVID-19 and a malaria drug President Donald Trump was pushing for the coronavirus despite scant evidence it helped, according to a whistleblower complaint Tuesday. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, filed the complaint Tuesday with … Read more

Scientist whose advice led to lockdown QUITS after ‘breaking restrictions to meet married lover’ 

Imperial scientist Neil Ferguson whose advice led to lockdown being introduced QUITS government role after ‘breaking the restrictions to meet his married lover’ By Danyal Hussain For Mailonline Published: 19:35 BST, 5 May 2020 | Updated: 19:48 BST, 5 May 2020 The scientist whose advice led to Boris Johnson introducing lockdown measures to combat coronavirus has resigned from … Read more

Wearing masks can curb spread of coronavirus, Government’s chief scientist says

Face masks will have some benefit in halting the spread of the coronavirus in post-lockdown Britain, Number 10’s chief scientific adviser today said. Sir Patrick Vallance told MPs that masks could have a ‘marginal but positive’ impact on curbing transmission of the life-threatening infection. But ‘coverings of some sort might do’, he said in front of … Read more

Imperial College London scientist warns lockdowns could become the norm

A professor at Imperial College London claims there may never be a coronavirus vaccine and governments will have to respond to future outbreaks with lockdowns. Dr David Nabarro, a special envoy to the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Covid-19, said no ‘absolute assumption’ can be made ‘that a vaccine will appear at all’. The global health professor … Read more

Politicians are hiding behind ‘follow the science’ mantra, warns scientist

The Government ‘following the science’ mantra could pin the blame for coronavirus deaths on scientists ‘if anything goes wrong’, according to a top microbiologist.  Politicians have repeated the mantra ‘we are following the science’ when questioned on their handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And Professor Hugh Pennington, a leading microbiologist at Aberdeen University, says ministers are … Read more

Columbia scientist says special type of ultraviolet light might be secret to killing off coronavirus

Columbia University scientist says special ultraviolet lamps could kill coronavirus lingering in the air at hospitals and schools Conventional ultraviolet light (UV light) has been used to clean hospital rooms and equipment, but it can cause skin cancer and cataracts in humans Scientists are studying a special type of UV light, known as far-UVC light, … Read more

Scientist leading Britain’s coronavirus vaccine urges Government to produce millions of doses

An Oxford scientists leading Britain’s coronavirus vaccine race has urged the Government to help produce millions of doses before it has proven to be effective. Professor Sarah Gilbert said her team needed help manufacturing the jabs, warning the UK did not have the facilities to do it alone.   Professor Sarah Gilbert, who is leading Britain’s … Read more

Britain could suffer the WORST coronavirus death rate in EUROPE, warns top scientist

Britain could suffer the WORST coronavirus death rate in EUROPE, higher than Italy or Spain, warns top scientist who says future outbreaks are ‘inevitable’ unless a successful vaccine is developed Sir Jeremy Farrar said increasing testing would ‘buy you time’  for NHS to prepare Director of the Wellcome Trust spoke amid furious row over testing … Read more

Beijing authorities hushed up the findings of a Chinese scientist

A Chinese scientist who is the one of the world’s leading experts on coronaviruses was ‘muzzled’ after unravelling the genetic composition of the new disease, which is crucial for developing diagnostic tests and vaccines.  The revelation will fuel fresh concerns over China’s cover-up of the pandemic after it erupted in the city of Wuhan. Critics … Read more