London mayor candidate Brian Rose is fined £200 for breaking lockdown rules

London mayor candidate Brian Rose is fined £200 for breaking lockdown rules while recording campaign video after taking to capital’s streets in battle bus as he accuses Boris Johnson of ‘undermining democracy’ Brian Rose was met by police while campaigning in Southwark, central London Officers said ‘campaigning was not a necessary reason to be out … Read more

London goes to WAR with Sadiq’s ‘illegal’ road schemes

Residents in five London boroughs have taken the fight against cycle-friendly ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ to the high court. Sadiq Khan’s controversial road scheme was this week ruled ‘illegal’ by a high court judge who said it was found to be ‘seriously flawed’. Dozens of roads were closed and others narrowed to create new cycle lanes … Read more

Sadiq Khan calls for Londoners to wear masks at all times OUTDOORS

Sadiq Khan today asked for face coverings to be made compulsory in outside spaces because he thinks the virus could be spread by people queuing too closely together. Data has shown coronavirus cases in the capital are falling but the London mayor said he can’t take his dog Luna out for walks in the park because there … Read more

Sadiq Khan is blasted for demanding more money for London

Sadiq Khan has been criticised for demanding more money from the Government after receiving billions in bailouts only last year.  The Mayor of London today lobbied Rishi Sunak to turn on the spending taps in the March Budget – and produced his own wish-list for the Chancellor. He is seeking another financial package for TfL … Read more

Sadiq Khan’s cycle lanes were UNLAWFUL, judge at London’s High Court rules

Sadiq Khan’s ‘Streetspace’ scheme was ‘seriously flawed’ and ‘took advantage of the pandemic’ to push through ‘radical’ and permanent changes to London’s roads and should be quashed, the High Court ruled today. The judgement followed a legal challenge by organisations representing black cab drivers who were angry about being banned from a new bus-only route … Read more

Airlines ‘urgently’ need government help to survive prolonged travel curbs, industry bosses warn

Airlines ‘urgently’ need government help to survive prolonged coronavirus curbs, industry bosses have warned, after Boris Johnson last night closed all travel corridors. The Prime Minister declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday as he begged Britons to ‘stay at home this weekend’. At a … Read more

BOTH Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, expert warns

Both Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, a Sage expert has warned after Boris Johnson declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday. Two variants of interest have been identified in South America; the first has a small number of mutations and eight … Read more

BOTH Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, expert warns

Both Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, a Sage expert has warned after Boris Johnson declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday. Two variants of interest have been identified in South America; the first has a small number of mutations and eight … Read more

Boris suspends ALL travel corridors from 4am Monday

Boris Johnson today declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday as he begged Britons to ‘stay at home this weekend’. At a Downing Street briefing, the PM warned it was ‘not the time to relax’ as he escalated controls at the country’s borders again. Amid … Read more

Boris reveals ALL travel corridors will be suspended from 4am Monday

Boris Johnson today declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday as he begged Britons to ‘stay at home this weekend’. At a Downing Street briefing, the PM warned it was ‘not the time to relax’ as he escalated controls at the country’s borders again. Amid … Read more