Donald Trump slams Michelle Obama in ongoing sickbed Twitter tirade

President Donald Trump lashed out at his critics and political opponents as he battles the coronavirus Wednesday, keeping up an hours-long stream of online invective as he is treated with experimental medications. The president was already being tagged by critics with a bout of ‘roid rage’ when he fired off 42 tweets Tuesday and overnight. He … Read more

Trump calls the FDA vaccine delay a hit job in flurry of tweets

President Donald Trump has issued a flurry of 42 tweets and retweets on a wide range of topics in just a few hours while under quarantine in the East Wing, slamming the FBI, FDA, Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chris Wallace. In one tweet, Trump set his terms for approving a stimulus bill from … Read more

Athletic moggy dangles from window sills by its paws as it scales building to find a way inside

Spider-cat! Athletic moggy dangles from window sills by its paws as it scales building to get back home The cat was spotted scaling a building to get into its home in Vladimir, Russia Sergey Ermilov, 43, spotted the cat moving across the window on the building The agile moggy swings between window panes moving its … Read more

Police open investigation into alleged match-fixing during French Open women’s doubles match

Police open investigation into alleged match-fixing during French Open women’s doubles match as bookmakers flag suspicious betting after Russian double faulted twice as her serve was broken in second set French Open game is being investigated following suspicions of match-fixing Bookmakers raised the alarm after noticing unusual betting patterns in a game It is said … Read more

Driver has lucky escape when lorry ploughs into truck after it breaks down on Russian highway

Dramatic moment driver sprints clear as lorry ploughs into his broken-down truck in the middle of a Russian highway Dash camera footage shows a truck crash into vehicle near St Petersburg, Russia Video taken on October 1 shows the vehicle stationary in the middle lane of road  The car had broken down and the driver had … Read more

Rocket fuel dump leak ‘likely cause’ of Russian beach pollution

A leak of toxic rocket fuel is the likely cause of a pollution catastrophe at one of Russia’s top surfing beaches, says a leading ecologist. Locals have reported debilitating medical problems including loss of sight, burning and swollen eyes, fever, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes and head and throat aches. People have been warned to stay … Read more

Azerbaijan releases new aerial footage claiming to show bombing raid on Armenian soldiers

A video shared by Azerbaijan’s defence ministry claims to show Armenian military personnel being bombed as the conflict between the two nations escalates. The aerial footage – likely recorded from either a gunship or a drone – appears to show the Azerbaijani aircraft targeting Armenian soldiers and military equipment. Shared on Friday with the title … Read more

Mass Siberian grave belonged to ancient population of head cultists, says expert 

Macabre 5,000-year-old mass grave containing the remains of five decapitated Siberians belonged to an ancient population of ‘head cultists’, expert claims Cultists severed their victims’ heads after death and then kept them for worship The burial at site in Novosibirsk region contained three adults and two teenagers Also found was a miniature clay figurine on the … Read more

Russian soldiers fight to qualify for special forces crimson beret

Russian soldiers have been captured slugging it out in a gruesome boxing fight as part of their qualifications for a special forces beret in a spectacular set of photos. Volga Federal District’s National Guard special forces servicemen took part in the gruelling test to earn a crimson beret today. Striking pictures show the men battering … Read more

Trump, Putin and Macron call for immediate ceasefire in Karabakh

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron have all called for an immediate ceasefire in Karabakh as Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan demanded ‘full Armenian withdrawal’.  Earlier today the presidents of America, Russia and France in a joint statement called for a return to negotiations without delay over the conflict between Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces, … Read more