Rishi Sunak hints tax rises will be DELAYED amid layoffs by firms

Rishi Sunak hinted that tax rises could be delayed to save jobs today as it emerged firms have already made plans to lay off 500,000 people during the coronavirus crisis.  After using his Tory conference speech to warn hikes will be needed, the Chancellor insisted his ‘focus at the moment’ was on propping up the … Read more

Rebel Tories ‘to meet today to discuss joining forces with Labour to vote down PM’s 10pm pub curfew’

Rebel Tories could join forces with Labour in a bid to put an end to Boris Johnson’s 10pm Covid curfew, according to reports. The group, made up of dozens of Conservative MPs, reportedly want to call last orders on the unpopular pub curfew – which has resulted in numerous mass gatherings at kick-out time as … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches Rishi Sunak address the virtual Tory party conference

No claps, no cheers, no standing ovations.  Not even an on-stage smooch from the proud missus as Rishi Sunak addressed the Tory Conference for the first time as Chancellor. The absence of Mrs Sunak was particularly disappointing.  Judging by her giddy display in the Commons during March’s budget, we could do with seeing more of … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Rishi Sunak warns of tax rises and spending cuts

Rishi Sunak warned of tax rises to come and lavished praise on ‘special’ Boris Johnson today as he tried to quell growing rumours of a feud over lockdown. The Chancellor hailed the PM as a ‘rare’ communicator who had ‘got the big calls right’ as he delivered his keynote speech to Tory conference. Mr Sunak again … Read more

Rishi Sunak warns he WILL need to balance the books after Covid crisis

Rishi Sunak warned of tax rises to come and lavished praise on ‘special’ Boris Johnson today as he tried to quell growing rumours of a feud over lockdown. The Chancellor hailed the PM as a ‘rare’ communicator who had ‘got the big calls right’ as he delivered his keynote speech to Tory conference. Mr Sunak again … Read more

Rishi Sunak hits at ‘frustrating’ pubs curfew and says ‘no regrets’ on Eat Out scheme

Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson put on a united front today after the Chancellor branded the 10pm pubs curfew ‘frustrating’ and insisted he had ‘no regrets’ about the Eat Out to Help Out scheme. The two politicians were pictured together visiting an energy firm after Mr Sunak mounted a staunch defence of his subsidies on dining … Read more

Think tank urges Rishi Sunak to slash and simplify taxes

Rishi Sunak must CUT and simplify taxes to revive the economy after hammer blow from coronavirus lockdown, warn economists Institute of Economic Affairs report calls on Rishi Sunak to reform tax system It suggests Chancellor can learn the lessons from recent history to boost growth Report calls for income tax to be capped at 40 … Read more

Rishi Sunak will launch £238m back-to-work jobs scheme to help Britons unemployed due to coronavirus

Rishi Sunak dishes up £238m back-to-work scheme: Chancellor to launch jobs drive – as he blasts ‘frustrating’ pub curfew and vows to fight full new lockdown Rishi Sunak will launch a £238m back-to-work jobs scheme today called JETS The new programme will assist those who lost work as a result of the pandemic Chancellor will … Read more

Taxes ‘could have to soar by £60bn to avoid a new wave of austerity after Covid’

Taxes could have to soar by £60billion to avoid a new wave of austerity after the coronavirus crisis, experts warned today.  The respected IFS think-tank said an income tax rise of 6p or 7p for every £1 earned could be needed to cover extra public spending over the next five or six years.  It also … Read more

Boris Johnson will offer every adult in England without an A-level a fully-funded college course

Boris Johnson will use a speech to promise guaranteed opportunities for life-long learning as he looks to help create a jobs recovery after the pandemic. Chancellor Rishi Sunak last week, when unveiling his plan to support jobs after the furlough scheme is wound down next month, admitted not every job can be saved following the … Read more