Boris Johnson facing growing Tory revolt over coronavirus strategy

Boris Johnson is facing a growing Tory revolt over coronavirus rules as senior Conservative backbenchers today demanded he set out a strategy to avoid a cycle of national lockdowns.  Tory MPs in the so-called Covid Recovery Group (CRG) cautiously welcomed the prospect of the Government loosening restrictions over the Christmas period.  But they warned that … Read more

Ministers will overhaul controversial planning system changes after Tory revolt

Ministers will overhaul controversial planning system changes after Tory revolt over use of algorithm to decide where to build thousands of new homes Theresa May said the algorithm ‘flies in the face’ of Conservative levelling-up  She said more homes need to be built but called for a new planning system  System is now being ‘rebalanced’ … Read more

BBC weathergirl joins revolt over banners for NHS workers ‘lowering the tone’ at block of flats

BBC weathergirl rains on parade for NHS workers as she joins revolt over banners ‘lowering the tone’ at block of flats Tony Rai, 57, put up a banner praising NHS in his apartment block in Birmingham A BBC weathergirl and other neighbours complained it was ‘lowering the tone’ Shefali Oza, 53, is the main weather presenter … Read more

Tory MPs warn Boris Johnson faces ‘massive revolt’ over lockdown

Tory MPs warn Boris Johnson he will face a ‘massive revolt’ if he tries to extend national lockdown beyond December 2 as he is told the ‘public will not accept’ longer lasting national curbs Boris Johnson facing growing Tory fury over decision to impose new lockdown PM has failed to give a firm guarantee curbs … Read more

MPs APPROVE national lockdown by 516 to 38 despite major Tory revolt

Key points in COVID lockdown Mark 2  Restrictions will start at midnight on Thursday morning and last until December 2.  People can only leave their homes for specific reasons, such as to do essential shopping, for outdoor exercise, and for work if they are unable to work from home. Non-essential shops will be told to shut, … Read more

Boris Johnson scrambles to head off Tory revolt before crunch lockdown vote

Boris Johnson is facing demands to release the estimate of the economic hit from coronavirus lockdown as ministers desperately scramble to defuse a Tory revolt before a crunch vote tomorrow. The PM told his Cabinet this morning that the draconian month-long restrictions in England were essential to avoid ‘fatalities running in the thousands’.  He said the … Read more

UK Coronavirus Lockdown: Boris Johnson faces revolt from Tory MPs

Boris Johnson effectively took the country back to square one tonight as he unveiled a dramatic new national month-long lockdown – ordering the public to stay at home.  After weeks insisting he is sticking to local restrictions, the PM completed an humiliating U-turn by announcing blanket coronavirus restrictions for England at a prime-time press conference alongside … Read more

Labour civil war 2.0: revolt after former leader Jeremy Corbyn is SUSPENDED in anti-Semitism row

The charges against Labour in damning 130-page report Labour breached the Equality Act 2010 by committing ‘unlawful harassment’ in two of the complaints investigated.  They included ‘using antisemitic tropes and suggesting that complaints of antisemitism were fake or smears’. One of the cases involved Ken Livingstone, who in 2016 defended MP Naz Shah over claims of … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: If Boris Johnson tries to ban Christmas, he will face an unholy revolt

Which of us would like to be in Boris Johnson’s shoes? The man who yearned as a child to be ‘world king’ is ground down by a resurgent virus that couldn’t care less about his dashed ambitions. His hero Churchill knew in May 1940 what we had to do: fight Nazi Germany to the death. … Read more

PM faces North AND South revolt as 54 Red Wall Tory rebels warn over new lockdown measures

Boris Johnson was facing a growing north and south revolt over lockdown today as some of his newest MPs demanded he produce an exit strategy for some of the areas worst hit by the second wave of the pandemic. In the biggest Tory challenge to his leadership since the general election a group of 54 … Read more