TV commentary riddled with racial bias: Alarming results from research across Europe’s top leagues

The PFA have urged commentators to address their racial bias after a study revealed differences in how they describe players with different skin tones. Findings revealed on Tuesday, following the first study of its kind in football, showed that ‘deep-rooted racial stereotypes’ are promoted in commentary by: Players with lighter skin tones receiving significantly more … Read more

Students complain they are not getting value for their £9k tuition fees, research shows

Students complain they are not getting value for their £9k tuition fees in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and lecturer strikes, research shows Students complained of ‘massive gap’ in learning while paying full tuition fees Annual Student Academic Experience Survey questioned over 10,000 students Numbers reporting ‘good or very good value for money’ declined … Read more

Town centres are recovering from the lockdown faster than big cities, research reveals

Britain’s town centres are recovering from the coronavirus lockdown much faster than big cities, new research has revealed.   Data released today found the average number of people out and about in the UK’s  largest towns and cities was just 22 per cent of pre-lockdown levels in the last week of May. But footfall was much … Read more

People with a gloomy outlook could be more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease, research suggests

Can negative thinking lead to dementia? People with a gloomy outlook could be more likely to get degenerative illness, research suggests Repetitive negative thoughts, also known as RNT, could lead to Alzheimer’s This way of thinking can lead to a build-up of harmful deposits in the brain  A journal has called for more research into … Read more

‘Who is actually in charge?’ Head of top research lab tears into Boris Johnson over coronavirus

A Nobel Prize-winning scientists tore into Boris Johnson’s leadership during the coronavirus crisis today, claiming it was not clear ‘who is actually in charge of the decisions’. Sir Paul Nurse said Britain has been left on the ‘back foot’ with a lack of clear planning that left it ”firefighting through successive crises’, in a scathing … Read more

Type 2 diabetics are TWICE as likely to die from Covid-19, new research shows

Patients with Type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to die from coronavirus – and being obese increases the risk even further, research reveals today. A third of deaths from the virus have occurred among individuals with diabetes, which is linked to excess weight and a lack of exercise. The study by the NHS and … Read more

Hackers disrupt COVID-19 research by remotely hijacking supercomputers for cryptocurrency mining

Hackers disrupt COVID-19 research by remotely hijacking supercomputers across Europe to steal computing power for cryptocurrency mining Hackers infiltrated supercomputers across Europe to mine cryptocurrency The breaches were discovered over the course of the last week Many of those computers were being used to research COVID-19 vaccines  By James Pero For Published: 20:09 BST, 18 … Read more

MMR jabs have plunged by a QUARTER since coronavirus lockdown, new research shows

MMR jabs have plunged by a QUARTER since coronavirus lockdown meaning thousands of children are now unprotected against the three illnesses, new research shows The number of children with the measles, mumps, rubella jab fell since 2019  London and the West Midlands saw the lowest immunisation rates in the country The study was done by … Read more

Compression stockings are not needed to help prevent blood clots after surgery, new research shows 

Compression stockings are not needed to help prevent blood clots after surgery, new research shows Anti-clotting drugs alone just as effective as prescribing them with stockings  Imperial College London say results show that guidelines should be updated Graduated compression stockings designed to help promote circulation in legs By Katie Pickles Health Correspondent For The Daily … Read more

Calls to re-examine virus research after Professor Lockdown quit over trysts with his married lover 

The science behind the Government’s lockdown strategy was called into question last night after the expert at the centre of a pivotal study quit in disgrace.  Professor Neil Ferguson – who led the team that helped to convince ministers to introduce strict rules on social distancing – breached them himself by meeting his married lover.  … Read more