Millions of Britons stay home on Remembrance Sunday as commemorations move online

Millions of people across the UK will be privately paying their respects as they mark Remembrance Sunday at home this year after the coronavirus pandemic forced many commemorations to be scaled back. The annual service at the Cenotaph in London will go ahead on Sunday, with the ceremony being held outdoors and invited guests required to … Read more

Prince Harry calls Remembrance Sunday ‘a moment for respect and for hope’

Prince Harry calls Remembrance Sunday ‘a moment for respect and for hope’ as he recalls being shot at in Afghanistan and the pain of losing comrades Prince Harry, who spent 10 years in armed forces, spoke on Declassified podcast He talked about experiences and said he cherishes his relationship with veterans In previous years the Duke … Read more

A Remembrance Sunday like no other as the Queen attends service in an empty Westminster Abbey

For the 68 years of her reign, the Queen has led Remembrance tributes to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and not even Covid-19 could deter her from her solemn duty. Today, she and other senior Royals will preside at a reduced service at the Cenotaph, marking 100 years since its … Read more

The Queen wears a face mask for the first time in public at Remembrance Service

The Queen wore a face mask for the first time in public last week as she marked the centenary of the burial of the Unknown Warrior in a small private ceremony in Westminster Abbey.  Her Majesty, 94, honoured the British serviceman, whose identity remains a mystery, and the Royal Family’s own associations with World War One … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: I will never forgive the clowns who cancelled Remembrance Sunday 

Normally I would go this morning to a small village war memorial and stand in the cold November air while we prayed a little, sang O God, Our Help In Ages Past, and observed the usual silence between bugle calls. But a few weeks ago, I was told this was impossible. Apparently we would all be … Read more

Prince Charles reflects on a ‘challenging year’ at socially-distanced Festival of Remembrance

Prince Charles paid special tribute to the wartime generation who fought for freedoms ‘more precious than we knew’ at the Royal British Legion’s annual Festival of Remembrance being broadcast tonight. In a moving speech given at the start of the pre-recorded socially distanced event at the Royal Albert Hall, the Prince of Wales said the ‘very best’ … Read more

Government tells councils to ‘discourage’ public from attending Remembrance Sunday events

The Government has ordered local councils to ‘discourage’ the public from attending Remembrance Sunday events this coming weekend due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Its order comes amid mounting criticism aimed at No.10 after it banned veterans from standing inside. Current Government guidance states that local authorities in England can hold events at a ‘public war … Read more

Remembrance Sunday: Covid rules will keep veterans from Cenotaph on its 100th year

It has stood proudly for 100 years in central London, reminding Britons of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. But the Cenotaph will stand almost alone for its centenary on Remembrance Sunday this weekend after normal commemorations were scaled back significantly as the country continues to battle with the coronavirus crisis.  This year’s event will … Read more

Blenheim Palace installs 200 life-size soldiers to mark Remembrance Sunday

A moving display of 200 life-size soldiers has been erected on the lawn at Blenheim Palace to mark Remembrance Sunday. Standing with Giants, made from recycled materials by local artist Dan Barton, stand among 75 poppy wreaths in memory of those who gave their lives in the two world wars. The moving statues stand at 6ft and are … Read more

Forcing war veterans to stand outside in the cold on Remembrance Sunday is branded ‘imbecilic’

Forcing elderly veterans to stand outside on Remembrance Sunday because of a lockdown ban on mass church worship has been branded ‘imbecilic’ by the House of Lords. The lockdown, which comes into force across England at midnight tonight, will ban veterans from attending Remembrance Sunday services inside churches and will instead require them to stand outside to play … Read more