Beauty: Why I’m ready for a refill… 

Beauty: Why I’m ready for a refill… By Edwina Ings-chambers Published: 00:02 BST, 9 May 2021 | Updated: 00:02 BST, 9 May 2021 …of Zara’s groundbreaking cosmetics collection Zara blush, bronzer and highlighter cheek palette in Leather, Bloom and Silk (1, £17.99, refill, £12.99) Honestly, I haven’t felt this excited about the launch of a new … Read more

Refill wants to help the planet and get more to drink tap water

The war on the use of reusable plastic has never been an easy one.  But since the Covid-19 pandemic hit it’s become even more complex, as the drive towards re-use suffers due to health concerns. For example, major coffee chains such as Starbucks are shunning the use of reusable coffee cups for now, in favour … Read more