Tear gas used by riot police may trigger the spread of coronavirus among protesters

Tear gas being used amid protests sweeping the nation in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd could leave people more vulnerable to coronavirus infection, experts warn.  And that risk compounds the heightened risk of exposure that comes with gathering in tightly-packed crowds in the first place.  Tear gas is designed to irritate … Read more

Donald Trump launches Twitter tirade accusing protesters of ‘marching with terrorists and looters’

Donald Trump launched a more than 35-tweet tirade Wednesday morning where he claimed that violent protesters are acting as ‘domestic terrorists’ and told law enforcement to ‘get tough’ on rioters flooding city streets across the country. ‘CNN says there are some fine people marching with the looters and domestic terrorists,’ Trump shared in a retweet … Read more

Trump and ordered military helicopters to blast protesters with their downdraft

President Donald Trump considered using ‘tanks’ or other armored military vehicles to help restore order in the US after violent protests broke out across the country for a sixth night, defense officials have revealed.  As protests over the death of George Floyd enter their second week, Trump has threatened to deploy active duty military across … Read more

Jedward show their solidarity for the Black Lives Matter movement as they join protesters in LA

Jedward show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement as they join Los Angeles protest whilst isolating in the States with Tara Reid By Niomi Harris For Mailonline Published: 02:03 BST, 3 June 2020 | Updated: 02:04 BST, 3 June 2020 Jedward showed their solidarity for the Black Lives Matter movement on Tuesday as they … Read more

Thousands of peaceful protesters descend on the  streets of NYC

Thousands of peaceful protesters are once again taking to the streets of New York City after a night of looting and vandalism rocked the Big Apple.  People descended on Foley Square in New York City on Tuesday afternoon and also marched on Times Square, taking a knee in the center of the iconic tourist spot. It … Read more

New York’s top cop says he doesn’t believe NYPD is racist and urged protesters respect the community

New York City’s most senior uniformed officer has said he does not believe racism taints the view of the NYPD, as he called for a halt to the throwing of projectiles at police and condemned the wave of looting. Terence Monahan, who knelt with protesters in Washington Square Park on Monday night, said it was … Read more

Police in North Carolina surprise protesters during standoff when 60 cops kneel

Police in North Carolina surprise protesters during standoff when 60 cops kneel in support of their call for justice in George Floyd case  Some 60 officers in Fayetteville knelt during march on Monday Witnesses say both officers and protesters were moved to tears Similar scenes have played out across the country as leaders call for … Read more

The world demands justice for George Floyd: Thousands of protesters from Berlin to New Zealand

Protests over the death of George Floyd have swept across the globe with demonstrations from Poland to New Zealand in solidarity with US demonstrators caught up in violent riots. Thousands rallied outside the US embassies in London, Copenhagen and Berlin, chanting ‘I can’t breathe,’ the words Floyd gasped as a white police officer knelt on … Read more

Cops clash with protesters and cars are set on fire on sixth night of George Floyd protests

Chaos has continued to unfold in cities across America where over 50 Secret Service agents were injured in clashes with protesters in Washington DC, cops charged into demonstrators in New York City, and lootings and store raids continued to unfold in California, Philadelphia and Boston.   Tens of thousands of people gathered as the National Guard … Read more

Semi-truck barrels into George Floyd protesters marching on Minneapolis interstate  

BREAKING NEWS: Semi-truck speeds into a crowd of George Floyd protesters gathered on a Minneapolis highway Video showed the semi-truck speeding toward protesters on Interstate 35 at about 6pm Sunday   Protesters taking up all lanes of traffic fled out of the rig’s path  It did not appear that anyone was hit before the truck came … Read more