Backlash fears as Priti Patel boosts police stop and search powers

Backlash fears as Priti Patel boosts police stop and search powers in a bid to tackle spiralling knife crime Priti Patel preparing to risk uproar by giving police new stop and search powers Police will get automatic right to search previously convicted of knife offences Mrs May said stop and search was ‘unfair, especially to … Read more

Priti Patel is set to give police powers to break up ‘super-spreader’ house parties

Priti Patel is set to give police powers to break up ‘super-spreader’ house parties with 15 people as officers raid bash with more than 50 Police will be able to fine people who attend parties of more than 15 £10,000  Currently, those who attend parties of less than 30 can be fined £200 first time  … Read more

Priti Patel calls for ‘action’ against food firm Chartwells behind ‘appalling’ free school meals

Priti Patel today called for the £24.8billion-earning company behind the meal parcel that sparked the school dinner scandal to be punished, declaring ‘they should be ashamed of themselves’. The Home Secretary described the food package from Compass group-owned Chartwells as an ‘appalling display’ that was ‘totally unacceptable’. A government investigation is currently underway into the meal, … Read more

Susanna Reid SLAMS Priti Patel after Home Secretary’s ‘confusing’ Covid press conference

Susanna Reid has slammed Home Secretary Priti Patel following her Tuesday night Downing Street briefing. Patel held a press conference to address the widespread confusion that the public have over outdoor exercise, during the Covid-19 lockdown. Patel insisted the rules were ‘simple and clear’ – but Susanna begged to differ. ‘She’s good at using a lot … Read more

Priti Patel ‘will end release of potentially dangerous suspects with no bail restrictions’

Priti Patel ‘will end release of potentially dangerous suspects with no bail restrictions’ after 97,000 arrestees including ones accused of rape were let out ‘under investigation’ in three years Priti Patel will stop suspects from being released with no bail restrictions Police will use bail in cases where it is deemed ‘necessary and proportionate’ 2017 … Read more

Priti Patel sets up high-tech command centre in war on people smugglers

A new command centre aimed at catching people smugglers ferrying migrants across the English Channel has been set up by Priti Patel.   The high-tech centre, which will be situated at a secret location in Dover, Kent, will see the British authorities collaborate with law enforcement in Calais to carry out increased air, land and sea … Read more

Priti Patel tackles the woke police chiefs who let mobs tear down statues

Priti Patel is planning to launch a ‘power grab’ against woke police chiefs and ‘failing’ police and crime commissioners, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The Home Secretary will this month present the recommendations of her review into the powers of PCCs, which will include looking at the police’s ‘operational independence’. It is understood the … Read more

Priti Patel backs police quizzing people sitting on park benches in lockdown

Priti Patel today backed police to confront people on park benches, stop cars to check if passengers are all from the same household and knock on doors to hunt for parties as officers pledged to fine everyone breaching Boris Johnson’s lockdown laws. The Home Secretary spoke out after Scotland Yard revealed officers will be told to … Read more

Boost for Priti Patel as 100,000 people apply for 20,000 police jobs as crime-busting drive begins

Boost for Priti Patel after 100,000 people apply for 20,000 police jobs as Home Secretary steps up crime-busting drive Home Secretary Priti Patel is due to launch a new phase of a crime-busting police recruitment campaign today So far 6,000 police officers have been hired across forces in England and Wales  Police numbers fell by … Read more

Priti Patel set to tighten laws so foreign criminals jailed for just six months face deportation

Foreign criminals handed jail sentences as short as six months will be assessed for automatic deportation for the first time under measures being considered by Priti Patel. The Home Secretary is expected to dramatically tighten legislation on kicking out offenders. Since 2007 foreign criminals have only been considered for removal from Britain if they were … Read more