Four players and president of Brazilian club Palmas killed in plane crash

Four players and president of Brazilian fourth-tier club Palmas killed in horror plane crash after small aircraft came down following take-off with passengers heading to cup tie Four players and the president of Palmas have been killed after a plane crash  The small aircraft was taking the group to a Brazilian cup game on Sunday … Read more

Biden charters plane to DC after Trump REFUSED him government jet

Donald Trump delivered Joe Biden one more snub Tuesday, forcing him to charter his own plane to fly from Delaware to Washington D.C. instead of authorizing an Air Force jet. The president-elect flew the short hop from his home state, after a tear-stained speech eulogizing his dead son Beau, on a private Boeing 737 – … Read more

Italian aircraft firm Tecnam transforms plane into a -122F freezer to transport COVID vaccine doses 

Italian aircraft firm Tecnam transforms one of their 11-seater planes into a massive -122F freezer that can transport 115,000 Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccine doses Tecnam has unveiled a redesigned plane to help delivery COVID vaccines  Called P2012 TravelCare, the plane features a massive freezer in the cargo area The freezer is capable of maintaining -122F … Read more

Putin critic Alexei Navalny boards plane for Moscow despite threats of arrest

Alexei Navalny has boarded a plane bound for Moscow, despite Russian authorities’ stated desire to arrest him and potentially jail him for years. Navalny, one of President Vladimir Putin’s most prominent critics, was flown to Berlin in August for emergency medical treatment after being poisoned with what German tests showed was a Novichok nerve agent. … Read more

Amateur pilot accused of illegally landing plane at Prince William’s old RAF base without permission

Amateur pilot will appear in court accused of landing £2m private plane at Prince William’s former RAF base without permission because he ‘wanted to go to the beach’ Civil Aviation Authority has named the pilot as Richard Charles Priestley Wood  He allegedly flew 300 miles from Surrey to fighter pilot training base in Wales Pilot set … Read more

Indonesia plane crash: Black box confirms both engines were working

A black box from an Indonesian jet which crashed minutes after take-off last week has confirmed that both engines were working when it smashed into the sea. Divers hoisted the flight data recorder (FDR) of the Sriwijaya Air plane from the seabed and downloaded the data in hopes of solving the mystery surrounding the cause … Read more

Indonesian plane crash victims remains sprayed with disinfectant after being recovered from wreckage

The remains of 62 people killed when an Indonesia plane plunged into the ocean have been sprayed down with disinfectant after being recovered from the wreckage. Pictures from Jakarta showed 36 body bags laid out on the ground, as Red Cross workers sprayed them down at Tanjung Priok port, which has acted as a base … Read more

Wreckage of Indonesian jet seen in footage as investigators reveal plane was intact on impact

Indonesian divers have been scouring the Java Sea for wreckage and passenger belongings in hope of finding the black boxes from the jet which crashed on Saturday with 62 people on board. Underwater footage of their rescue mission shows the divers examining the huge amount of debris from the Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737-500 which investigators say … Read more

Boeing plane was likely intact until it smashed into sea

An investigator with Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) said the Sriwijaya Air jet that crashed into the Java Sea with 62 people on board over the weekend possibly broke apart when it hit waters based on debris found so far. ‘We don’t know for sure, but if we look at the debris, they’re scattered … Read more

Heartbreaking final message from mother and her children as they boarded doomed Indonesian plane

The heartbreaking final messages of passengers on the doomed Indonesian plane which crashed into the sea with 62 people on board have been revealed, as rescuers have located two black boxes. Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 took off from Soekarno-Hatta international airport for a 90-minute flight over the Java Sea between Jakarta and Pofntianak in West … Read more