Election 2020: Donald Trump says ‘if you count legal votes, I won’

STATES STILL IN PLAY ARIZONA – 11 electoral college votes: Votes still being counted, deadline for result unclear 50.49% BIDEN 48.14% TRUMP Fox and the AP gave Arizona to Biden before dawn on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon, officials said that there were still 600,000 votes left to be counted which suggested that it could be put back … Read more

Donald Trump claims ‘if you look at the legal votes I won’ as he breaks 36 hours of silence

STATES STILL IN PLAY ARIZONA – 11 electoral college votes: Votes still being counted, deadline for result unclear 50.49% BIDEN 48.14% TRUMP Fox and the AP gave Arizona to Biden before dawn on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon, officials said that there were still 600,000 votes left to be counted which suggested that it could be put back … Read more

US Election 2020: Joe Biden has ‘no doubt’ he’s beaten Donald Trump

STATES STILL IN PLAY ARIZONA – 11 electoral college votes: Votes still being counted, deadline for result unclear 50.49% BIDEN 48.14% TRUMP Fox and the AP gave Arizona to Biden before dawn on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon, officials said that there were still 600,000 votes left to be counted which suggested that it could be put back … Read more

US Election 2020: Why the last votes are taking SO long to count

As Americans sit on tenterhooks waiting for five key states to finally crown a victor in the presidential election, one question is on everyone’s minds: What is taking so long?  Election officials in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina have pleaded for patience as they continue chipping away at mountains of hundreds of thousands … Read more

Joe Biden pleads with America to ‘be patient’ in wait for election results

STATES STILL IN PLAY ARIZONA – 11 electoral college votes: Votes still being counted, deadline for result unclear 50.49% BIDEN 48.14% TRUMP Fox and the AP gave Arizona to Biden before dawn on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon, officials said that there were still 600,000 votes left to be counted which suggested that it could be put back … Read more

US Election 2020: Pennsylvania count may decide result TODAY

Finally! Pennsylvania says it may have election result TODAY that could put us all out of our misery and end wait for America’s next President Pennsylvania ‘s Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar said the state could have a result on Thursday night PA wasn’t due to give a result until Friday; Trump is leading there by … Read more

US Election 2020: Trump’s Pennsylvania lead narrows to 2.6%

President Donald Trump’s lead over Joe Biden in Pennsylvania has narrowed to 2.6% with 89 percent of expected ballots now tallied. As of midnight on Wednesday, the state remained too close to declare a winner, with Trump leading by 176,498 votes and more than 763,311 absentee ballots yet to be counted, according to election officials. Voting has … Read more

On what grounds is Trump taking legal action in WI, MI, GA and PA?

America’s presidential election is moving towards its nerve-shredding conclusion and hinges on a few battleground states where counting continues. Trump’s possible paths to reelection are closing up quickly as a late surge of mail-in ballots skew for Joe Biden and put him within touching distance of the White House. But the President has made clear he will … Read more

On what grounds is Trump taking legal action in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania?

America’s presidential election is moving towards its nerve-shredding conclusion and hinges on a few battleground states where counting continues. Trump’s possible paths to reelection are closing up quickly as a late surge of mail-in ballots skew for Joe Biden and put him within touching distance of the White House. But the President has made clear he will … Read more

Joe Biden: How tragedy shaped the man poised to President of the USA

He looks set to inherit a country wracked with stark divisions in the midst of a deadly pandemic that has so far claimed the lives of more than 230,000 Americans. But an ability to overcome profound tragedy and heal deep wounds is a skill Joe Biden has had to acquire long before his presidency bid.  … Read more