Cher arrives in Pakistan to visit the ‘world’s loneliest elephant’

Iconic singer and actress Cher has arrived in Pakistan to visit the ‘world’s loneliest elephant’ after her campaigning helped free him from a zoo for a new home. On Tuesday, a celebration was held for Kaavan – an overweight, 35-year-old bull elephant – whose plight has drawn international condemnation and highlighted the woeful state of Marghazar Zoo. Cher … Read more

Christian girl is being threatened by Islamist death squads in Pakistan for fleeing forced marriage

Christian girl, 14, is being threatened by Islamist death squads in Pakistan for fleeing forced marriage to Muslim man, 45 – as thousands sign petition to give her asylum Catholic altar server Maira Shahbaz is hiding after being accused of apostasy   Over 9,000 have signed petition asking PM to grant her and family asylum in … Read more

Al-Qaeda’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has died, reports claim

Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has died of natural causes, Pakistani media claimed today, following persistent rumours of the terrorist leader’s demise.  Security sources in Pakistan and Afghanistan told Arab News that Zawahiri was dead, possibly succumbing to asthma following ‘breathing issues’.  Last heard from in a message on the anniversary of 9/11, Zawahiri’s health and longevity … Read more

My mother’s passion and courage has made me the woman I am: MARINA WHEELER

The question was a pressing one, more insistent as the years passed and my mother grew older and frailer. She was Indian and my late father, English, but what was I? Each time someone asked where I was from, thinking I looked ‘foreign’ because of my olive skin and dark hair, it niggled. It never … Read more

Fugitive wanted over murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky facing extradition

Fugitive wanted over murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky who was shot dead during armed robbery will appear in court in Pakistan next week for extradition hearing PC Sharon Beshenivsky, 38, was shot dead in West Yorkshire in November 2005 Six men have been jailed in connection with the police officer’s murder  Piran Ditta Khan , … Read more

Protests against Emmanuel Macron grow after he defended cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

Emmanuel Macron has found himself demonised at protests throughout the Islamic world as anger grows at his defence of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.  Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Bangladesh on Tuesday, branding him a ‘Satan-worshipper’ and burning him in effigy following smaller marches in Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey and Gaza … Read more

Passengers ‘use fake negative Covid test certificates’

Passengers ‘use fake negative Covid test certificates’ to allow them to fly from UK to Pakistan An online travel agent has been offering fake Covid – 19 test results to clients Passengers to certain countries need a negative Covid-19 before flying abroad One passenger claimed an online agent offered to provide fake test certificates By … Read more

15 people are trampled to death in Afghanistan visa stampede

15 people are trampled to death, including 11 women, as thousands wait in Afghanistan to collect visas to enter Pakistan 15 people died and at least 10 others were injured after the crush in Jalalabad Officials said more than 3,000 Afghans had gathered at a football stadium  The Pakistani consulate had resumed issuing visas last … Read more

Prince William and Kate Middleton play Pictionary with pupils in Pakistan

One year on from their visit to Pakistan, Kate Middleton and Prince William have spoken to two organisations they visited in October 2019 to hear how they have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic – and joined pupils in a game of Pictionary,  The royal couple first spoke to teachers from the Islamabad Model College … Read more

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai is trolled on social media

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai is receiving vile abuse from social media trolls after she showed support for a Conservative friend. The 23-year-old political activist from Pakistan shared a post asking friends to vote for Kia Williams as president of Oxford University Conservative Association. But online trolls attacked Ms Yousafzai as a ‘disingenuous careerist’ … Read more