Probiotics ‘could reduce obesity in children’ and reduce their risk of serious diseases

Probiotic yoghurts ‘could reduce obesity in children’ and shrink their risk of serious diseases in future, study finds The study included 100 obese children aged between six and 18 years old It found that those receiving probiotic drinks lost more weight than the others They also had improved insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of serious … Read more

Takeaways are urged to cut back on portion sizes to help tackle obesity 

If the chips are down… you’ll lose weight! Takeaways are urged to cut back on portion sizes to help tackle obesity Officials believe popularity of takeaways is a driving factor behind obesity crisis  Ready meals could be capped at 570 calories and sandwiches at 580 calories   Health bosses suggest 10 per cent calorie reduction in … Read more

Government strategies to cut childhood obesity have ‘had little impact’ for nearly a decade

Government action plans to cut childhood obesity have had ‘little impact’ and numbers of overweight children have in fact risen, a damning report has found.  Childhood obesity rates have risen by a fifth in 10 to 11-year-olds and remained the same for 4 to 5-year-olds. Figures compiled by the National Audit Office revealed obesity in … Read more

Can popping a pill ever beat obesity? We ask the experts for the pros and cons

Tackling obesity is ‘one of the greatest long-term health challenges’ this country faces, the Government announced recently as it launched a new strategy to address it. The figures speak for themselves: about two thirds of adults in the UK are overweight and, of these, half are obese. It is known that excess fat is a … Read more

One child under five is admitted to hospital because of obesity every week

One child under five is admitted to hospital because of obesity every week, shocking NHS figures show There were 6,350 hospital admissions of boys up to age 19 with obesity in a year And this was even for higher for girls in the same age bracket at 11,900 cases   The Government last month unveiled a strategy … Read more

Doctors are told to be frank with patients who have obesity to save taxpayers millions

Doctors are told to be frank with patients who have obesity in bid to get them to change their lifestyle and save taxpayers millions Doctors have been accused of failing to be frank with their obese patients  They need to persuade their patients to lose weight instead of other options Some doctors just prescribe expensive ‘bariatric’ … Read more

More than three million English people are so fat they qualify for obesity surgery, a study warns 

More than three million people in England are so fat they need obesity surgery, a study warns. Researchers found that one in 14 adults currently qualify for an anti-obesity procedure that can cost between £4,000 and £15,000 a time. The total bill could set the NHS back by up to £45billion – more than a … Read more

Obesity expert behind Karl Stefanovic’s weight loss praises the host for shedding an impressive 8kg

Karl Stefanovic revealed on Tuesday that he lost an impressive 8kg on his 10-week weight loss challenge.  And now the obesity expert behind Karl’s slim-down, Dr. Nick Fuller, praised the Today show star for his remarkable progress.  Speaking to Daily Mail Australia this week, Dr. Fuller vowed to helped Karl continue on his health and … Read more

Taxpayer-funded e-bikes and bicycles on the NHS under £2billion drive to tackle obesity 

The Government is planning to subsidise electronic bicycles for pensioners and commuters as part of plans to massively increase cycling through a £2billion anti-obesity drive. The e-bikes are like regular bikes but have a small motor usually hidden in the frame to aid travel uphill or on longer journeys. Ministers hope the programme will help … Read more

DR MAX PEMBERTON : Obesity threatens the NHSmore than Covid…

Here we go again! A new war is declared on obesity and this time it’s personal. For it’s the Prime Minister himself who is leading the charge. After his brush with death courtesy of Covid-19, he has undergone something of a Damascene conversion. Now he knows the high price to be paid for those excess … Read more