NYC Department of Education bans students and teachers from using Zoom

The New York City Department of Education is banning students and teachers from using Zoom, as the platform has been plagued by privacy and security issues. Schools are now advised to switch to Microsoft Teams ‘as soon as possible’ and teachers are currently training to use the new system. The move comes after internet trolls … Read more

Wealthy NYC businesses board up their stores to defend against civil unrest as virus decimates NYPD

High-end stores throughout New York such as Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana are boarding up their windows in anticipation of civil unrest as the death toll in the city reached 1,867 on Friday with 305 new deaths. The wealthy businesses had already been ordered closed along with bars and restaurants as part of the … Read more

Jared Kushner talks about role getting masks to NYC hospitals at Trump demand

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner made a rare appearance in the White House press briefing room Thursday amid reports about his expanded role in handling the coronavirus crisis and criticism of his efforts.  Kushner has put together a group of private-sector friends, including his former roommate, to aid the administration’s response to the coronavirus. He … Read more

NYC map shows poor neighborhoods have more coronavirus cases as residents call city a ‘battlefield’ 

A stark New York City map has revealed that there are higher numbers of cases of coronavirus in poorer neighborhoods than in wealthier zip codes, as residents describe the city as a ‘battlefield’ after an army of medical volunteers were drafted in to fight the pandemic. A wave of volunteers landed in the city Wednesday … Read more

Spooky photos by NYC photographer during coronavirus lockdown reveal city’s desolate streets

The soul of New York City is on the ropes. The statewide mandate shutting down all nonessential businesses and ordering residents to stay indoors turned the ‘City That Never Sleeps’ into an overnight ghost town. New York based photographer Phil Penman took to the desolate streets to capture a portrait of the city on lockdown. … Read more

Sam and Billie Faiers appear VERY giddy as they are filmed on THAT flight to NYC

Sam and Billie Faiers’ BA flight row will be aired on the next episode of The Mummy Diaries. The sisters sparked headlines back in January when Billie complained about British Airways staff scolding them for being too noisy during the pair’s flight to New York with their mum Suzie Wells. The incident will be shown … Read more

World-renowned NYC pediatric neurosurgeon, 73, who separated conjoined twins dies from coronavirus

A world-renowned NYC pediatric neurosurgeon who separated conjoined twins has died from coronavirus.  Dr. James T. Goodrich, 73, died on Monday after complications related to Covid-19, the hospital where he worked announced.  He separated twins Jadon and Anais McDonald four years ago at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City in a 27-hour … Read more

Experts warn US coronavirus hotspots including Detroit and New Orleans could be WORSE than NYC

The coronavirus death toll in America doubled in the span of just two days as new potential hotspots emerge in urban centers around the country.  The US currently leads the world in coronavirus infections with 123,778 reported as of Sunday morning. The death toll surpassed 2,100 on Saturday, doubling figures reported two days earlier.   New … Read more

Emily Ratajkowski flashes her toned stomach as she cuddles up to Sebastian Bear-McClard in NYC

Emily Ratajkowski flashes her toned stomach as she cuddles up to Sebastian Bear-McClard while walking their dog in NYC By Annita Katee For Published: 16:07 GMT, 28 March 2020 | Updated: 16:08 GMT, 28 March 2020 She’s made it a point to still walk her dog, Colombo, daily, amid the coronavirus lock-downs.  And Emily Ratajkowski … Read more

US coronavirus: NYC fights catastrophe as one dies every 17 minutes and 911 calls hit historic highs

The situation in New York City grew increasingly dire early on Saturday, as coronavirus cases continued to explode in the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak and the healthcare system was threatened with imminent collapse.  Across the city, sirens wailed late into the night Friday as ambulance crews raced through empty streets from one call to … Read more