Britain’s new post-Brexit passport is mocked online for being ‘black’ and ‘flimsy and poor quality’

Britain’s new blue passports have been mocked online with many claiming they are actually black, while others say the the long-awaited document is ‘flimsy’ and ‘poor quality’. Dubbed by some as a symbol of Britain’s independence from the European Union, where members have burgundy coloured passports, the new passports, based on the country’s traditional pre-EU … Read more

Nigel Farage ‘was dropped by LBC amid staff backlash’

Nigel Farage has continued his attacks on Black Lives Matter protesters hours after LBC pulled the plug on his radio show amid growing staff anger at his controversial comments. Colleagues had ratcheted up pressure on the station’s owner, Global Media, to drop the Brexiteer from its presenting cast following his scathing opposition to anti-racism campaigners. … Read more

Nigel Farage quits his LBC radio show ‘with immediate effect’ 

Nigel Farage steps down from his LBC radio show ‘with immediate effect’ after talks with bosses The arch-Brexiteer, 56, has hosted his own hourly evening slot since 2017  His sudden departure from the commercial radio station was revealed in a tweet  Ex-Ukip leader has bagged some huge interviews, such as Donald Trump By Jack Elsom … Read more

Nigel Farage blasted for ‘inciting racism’ after comparing Black Lives Matter group to the Taliban

Nigel Farage has been accused of inciting racism after he sensationally claimed the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to be a ‘far-left Marxist organisation whose chief aim is to close down police forces’ in a blazing television row this morning over the toppling of a slave trader statue in Bristol. The Brexit Party leader also accused the … Read more

DAN HODGES: Liberal ‘morality’ only puts migrants’ lives in even MORE danger

The message that appeared in the Minister’s constituency in-box was typical. ‘I didn’t vote for you or Boris for this to happen.’  It was a response to the images filmed by Nigel Farage off the coast of Dover that have finally pushed Covid from the top of the public’s – if not the media and politicians’ … Read more

Ex-Border Force chief says migrants crossing the English Channel are ‘major threat’ to UK borders

Tony Smith CBE, former head of the Border Force, told a committee today that he cannot see an immediate end to the crisis The ex-Border Force chief has today said migrants crossing the English Channel are a ‘major threat’ to UK borders as another boat is picked up today, taking the total number to a … Read more

Fisherman claims French patrols are ‘escorting’ migrants to UK as another boat is picked up today

A British fisherman has claimed French patrols are ‘escorting’ migrants across the Channel to the UK as Border Force officials pick up another boat today, taking the total to more than a record 588 this month. Skipper Matt Coker accused the authorities of making little effort to stop the crossings into the UK, saying more … Read more

Nigel Farage says NINE boats carrying migrants are already on the Channel this morning

Nigel Farage has accused France of assisting an ‘invasion’ of migrants across the Channel after its border patrol ships were filmed escorting dinghies into UK waters.   The Brexit Party leader, 56, claimed today would be ‘another record day’ for crossings with nine migrant boats already reported to be on the Channel. A record 531 migrants have made … Read more

25 migrants picked up attempting to cross English Channel

Nigel Farage today took to the English Channel in a chartered fishing boat and rescued more than 20 migrants trying to cross the Channel in two tiny dinghies. The Brexit Party leader, who has been campaigning on the issue of migrants making the dangerous crossing, saw them desperately trying to bail out water as it got … Read more

Coastguard picks up 25 migrants attempting to cross the English Channel

Nigel Farage hires fishing boat to patrol the English Channel and rescues 20 migrants including small children trying to get to Britain in tiny sinking dinghy Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was on a chartered fishing boat in the Channel He witnessed a group of migrants being escorted by a French vessel to the UK … Read more