Boris Johnson pressures Rishi Sunak to extend furlough past lockdown

Rishi Sunak is being ‘bounced’ by the Prime Minster into extending the furlough scheme package after lockdown ends Prime Minister wants Rishi Sunak to ensure furlough money available for country Details being ironed out before Chancellor brings the policey forward to public Boris Johnson pledged to extend  Government’s furlough payments on Monday By Bhvishya Patel … Read more

Election 2020: Celebrities who said they’ll leave US if Trump wins

The White House isn’t the only residence on the line this Election Day.  For John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Bruce Springsteen, Ricky Martin and Tommy Lee, life in America may be hanging in the balance after they threatened to leave the US if President Donald Trump wins another term in office.     We saw this … Read more

US Election 2020: Betting market gives Trump 70% chance of victory

Donald Trump’s odds of winning the 2020 presidential race has reached an all-time high for the first time on Election Day as the final polls across the country begin to close. Bookies around the world are placing their bets on whether Trump will secure another four years in office or if he’ll be ousted by … Read more

Conservative pundits blast liberal media for writing off Trump

Conservative pundits blast liberal media for writing off Trump and say average Americans are ‘fed up’ with ‘groupthink’ – amid a much tighter race than pollsters predicted The president’s cheerleaders took to the airwaves to lampoon the U.S. media  Biden has failed to flip crucial battleground states such as Florida and Ohio blue  Radio host … Read more

Election betting market edges towards Trump as Biden struggles to make breakthroughs in key states

Donald Trump’s odds of winning the 2020 presidential race has reached an all-time high for the first time on Election Day as the final polls across the country begin to close. Bookies around the world are placing their bets on whether Trump will secure another four years in office or if he’ll be ousted by … Read more

Hollywood liberals who said they may leave US if Trump is re-elected get nervous as results come in

The White House isn’t the only residence on the line this Election Day.  For John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Bruce Springsteen, Ricky Martin and Tommy Lee, life in America may be hanging in the balance after they threatened to leave the US if President Donald Trump wins another term in office.     We saw this … Read more

US Election 2020: Polling station problems didn’t include violence

Voters across the United States on Tuesday braved worries about getting sick, threats of polling place intimidation and expectations of long lines caused by changes to voting procedures to cast their ballot.  The U.S. was on pace to exceed the 2016 presidential vote, driven largely by the nearly 102 million ballots cast ahead of Election … Read more

US Election 2020: Have the polls got it wrong AGAIN?

Early results from several key battleground states show President Donald Trump running further ahead than suggested in polls that had placed them in Joe Biden’s column, suggesting the ‘hidden Trump vote’ may again play a role in the presidential election. Final polls ahead of the election from Quinnipiac, Reuters/Ipsos and CNBC/Change showed Biden leading in … Read more

Fears of suppression and violence at polling stations fail to materialize on day of historic turnout

Voters across the United States on Tuesday braved worries about getting sick, threats of polling place intimidation and expectations of long lines caused by changes to voting procedures to cast their ballot.  The U.S. was on pace to exceed the 2016 presidential vote, driven largely by the nearly 102 million ballots cast ahead of Election … Read more

Donald Trump’s family and guests attend White House election party

Billionaire Gristedes heiress Andrea Catsimatidis leads the glamorous arrivals at Trump’s White House election party where she joins Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric – while cars turn up at Biden’s HQ parking lot The Trump family and special guests arrived to the White House Tuesday night for a glamorous election viewing party  Donald Trump Jr … Read more