Newcastle chef offers VERY cheeky message to the PM during BBC interview

A Newcastle chef sent Boris Johnson a very cheeky message during a BBC interview yesterday amid North East fury over new lockdown rules.  On Monday, Matt Hancock announced that residents of Northumberland, Newcastle, Gateshead, North and South Tyneside, Durham and Sunderland would be banned from meeting friends outside their bubble indoors.  However, it later emerged that … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Thousands of ventilators bought at peak never used

Thousands of ventilators bought to treat Covid-19 patients are sitting in warehouses due to a lack of demand, the spending watchdog has revealed. Ministers prioritised ‘speed over cost’, meaning they paid 50 per cent over the odds for foreign-supplied machines, the National Audit Office (NAO) found. In one case, 750 ventilators purchased at a cost of … Read more

How bad is the coronavirus outbreak in North East England?

The slim margin between areas put into new coronavirus lockdowns and those that are spared is laid bare by infection and hospitalisations data from North East England as local leaders complain of being plunged into Government restrictions by surprise. Data shows large variations in coronavirus infection rates across the region and some areas which have … Read more

Government will use saliva-based tests to check 4.5million people a day

Spit for Britain! Government will use saliva-based tests to check 4.5million people a day for Covid by December as part of £100bn Operation Moonshot Companies putting forward ideas make ‘3.0 million saliva collection kits per day’ Saliva test allows people to avoid uncomfortable swabs currently being used Operation Moonshot pledged increase tests by around 12-fold by … Read more

Care home residents and staff ‘will be first to get a Covid-19 vaccine’

Care home residents and staff will be the first to get a Covid-19 vaccine when one is approved, according to fresh government advice. Everyone over the age of 80 and NHS staff will be second in line, updated guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation states. The body, which consists of 20 top … Read more

Boris Johnson faces Tory revolt over ‘dictator’ tactics as backlash grows over his plans

Boris Johnson faces Tory revolt over ‘dictator’ tactics as backlash grows over his plans for a new coronavirus clampdown Matt Hancock faced a string of hostile questions as  he updated Parliament on the Government’s efforts to tackle the virus pandemic  Sir Graham Brady : ‘The British people are not used to being treated like children.’  Senior Tories … Read more

Boris slams Britain into reverse: PM to address nation TOMORROW

Boris Johnson will unveil a major crackdown on normal life today in a bid to halt a second wave of coronavirus. He will drop his ‘back to work’ drive, announce restrictions on socialising and impose a 10pm curfew on bars and restaurants from Thursday. Pubs and other venues will be allowed to serve seated customers … Read more

Boris slams Britain into reverse: PM to address nation ordering pubs to close at 10pm

Boris Johnson will unveil a major crackdown on normal life today in a bid to halt a second wave of coronavirus. He will drop his ‘back to work’ drive, announce restrictions on socialising and impose a 10pm curfew on bars and restaurants from Thursday. Pubs and other venues will be allowed to serve seated customers … Read more

Britain could still get a vaccine by CHRISTMAS, Sir Patrick Vallance says

1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses  The Government revealed on July 29 it had signed a deal with pharmaceutical giants GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Sanofi Pasteur If the vaccine proves successful, the UK could begin to vaccinate priority groups, such as frontline health and social care workers and those at increased risk from coronavirus, as early … Read more

Matt Hancock admits Christmas wont be normal with Covid vaccine roll out unlikely before early 2021 

Matt Hancock admits Christmas wont be normal as he confirms vaccine roll out is unlikely before early 2021 Health Secretary spoke to Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on This Morning Said ‘as close to normal as possible’ was the best Christmas available this year Warned even that would be dependent on new rules being followed now … Read more