PICTURED: ‘Racist stereotype’ world map Red Bull exec showed as three fired amid diversity row

Photos have emerged from a ‘racist’ slide show made by a senior Red Bull executive which sparked anger among the U.S. employees, and ultimately resulted in the firing on Tuesday of three top executives.  Stefan Kozak, CEO of North America for the Austria-based company, and Amy Taylor, North America president and chief marketing officer were … Read more

World map based on Google data illustrates where nationalities most want to go on holiday in 2021 

Britons want to go to the Maldives, Americans to Japan and Australians to Fiji: World map based on Google data illustrates nationalities’ most wished for 2021 holiday destinations On the map country names have been supplemented by its residents’ most yearned-for destinations for 2021  Map was created by a holiday firm, which analysed the most-searched … Read more

First map of human enamel shows how cavities form and may help dentists REVERSE tooth decay 

The first atomic-scale map of human enamel is helping to reveal how cavities form — and may even help experts reverse tooth decay, researchers have claimed. It was drawn up using a combination of advanced scanning techniques and chemical analysis, uncovering enamel’s structural makeup in unprecedented detail. Enamel is the outer protective layer on our … Read more

Map of Australia without Victoria goes viral after Melbourne enters second coronavirus lockdown

Now it’s VEXIT: Map of Australia with Victoria cut off goes viral – after coronavirus cases surged in Melbourne Victoria has been cut out off a new map that has been circulating on Facebook 36 north Melbourne suburbs went into lockdown at midnight on Wednesday The state recorded 289 new cases since Monday and 77 … Read more

Google to release data from project that allows researchers to map air quality block-to-block

Google to release data from pollution project that allows researchers to map air quality on a block-to-block basis Google will release data on a pollution mapping project The data was taken using sensors from pollution mapping company, Aclima It gives insight into air quality on a street-by-street basis Data could help set future policy and … Read more

Map compiles all the loos open in your area and locals can submit locations if they spot a new one 

As lockdown restrictions ease and people socialise outdoors with takeaway coffess and beers, the question of access to toilets is proving a huge problem, with people taking to social media to complain about revellers urinating in public.  Now there’s a solution in the form of the website LockdownLoo.com, created by civil servant Tom, 25, and his … Read more

X-ray telescope reveals new map of the universe with more than one MILLION cosmic objects

A galaxy hunting telescope has completed its first full sweep of the hot, energetic universe, resulting in a stunning map with more than one million cosmic objects. The eROSITA X-ray Telescope has been scanning the sky for over 182 days and has discovered twice the number of known X-ray sources uncovered over the past 60 … Read more

Researchers in the Arctic Ocean map undersea methane pockets in a 250-million-year-old ‘fault zone’

Researchers in the Arctic Ocean map undersea methane pockets distributed across a 250-million-year-old ‘fault zone’ that could accelerate ice sheet withdrawal with future ruptures Researchers mapped a network of undersea methane pockets in the Arctic They found structural instability in the seafloor was the biggest factor effecting which region would experience a rupture, releasing the … Read more

UK’s Covid-19 deaths mapped: Interactive map shows London is still worst hit in England

UK’s Covid-19 deaths mapped: Interactive map shows London is still worst hit in England and Wales despite a deadly surge in the North as separate report confirms care home deaths surged 98% above average in March and April There have been 138 Covid-19 deaths per 100,000 people in the capital – almost double national average … Read more

Researchers map hot, dense structures in the Earth’s mantle for the first time

What lies beneath: Researchers map hot, dense structures in the Earth’s mantle for the first time using a technique developed to explore deep space Experts from Baltimore, US, repurposed an algorithm known as the Sequencer This tool can automatically pick out trends from within large-scale datasets The team used it to analyse thousands of seismograms from … Read more