Tiger Woods was found unconscious after high-speed SUV crash Man who lives near scene heard crash

A man found Tiger Woods unconscious in a mangled SUV after the golf star crashed the vehicle in Southern California, authorities said in court documents obtained Friday. The man, who lives near the site in Rolling Hills Estates, heard the crash and walked to the SUV, Los Angeles County sheriff´s Deputy Johann Schloegl wrote in … Read more

How this shed could beat a silent killer: Study finds dirty air costs 90,000 lives in Britain a year

To a casual observer, the wooden shed sitting in a plot of land on the fringes of the University of Birmingham campus looks pretty nondescript. The only clues to its true purpose are the devices resembling miniature chimneys that are dotted across the roof. Some of the experts involved in this project understandably bristle at … Read more

Major study predicts how humans will use technology to ‘upgrade’ our lives by 2030

Over the course of the next decade humans will integrate more with technology to ‘upgrade’ our lives including brain chips and exoskeletons, a new report claims. Produced by dentsu, a global advertising and digital agency, the report looks at ways the world could change over the next 10 years and the impact on global brands. … Read more

Men behind the masks: As Daft Punk announce split, FEMAIL delves into the lives of publicity-shy duo

Dance duo Daft Punk left fans devastated yesterday when they announced they’ve split after 28 years together. But just who are the men behind the distinctive robot helmets?   Famously publicity shy, Guillaume Emmanuel de Homem-Christo (known as Guy-Manuel, or Guy-Man) and Thomas Bangalter have used their signature look to keep their identities largely under wraps – until now.  … Read more

Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild: Woman who lives off-grid doesn’t care if she’s called ‘crazy’

A woman who left her former life behind to live in the woodlands of Pembrokeshire 20 years ago tells presenter Ben Fogle she doesn’t care if other people call her ‘crazy’ on New Lives in the Wild. Tonight’s episode of the Channel 5 show focuses on Emma Orbach, 66, originally from England, who has been … Read more

NADINE DORRIES: We must stop this killer claiming any more newborn lives

For those who walk the path of parenthood, there are few joys to equal that of delivering a new life into the world. Those first moments are filled with the love a new baby brings the second it lands in your arms. The feel and the smell of newborn skin on skin.  The meeting and … Read more

The new rules of society romance! FEMAIL reveals the UNUSUAL dating lives of aristocrats

While hit series like Bridgerton and The Crown have tantalized viewers with their juicy storylines and scandalous plots, the dating lives of some of Britain’s most aristocratic may prove that truth is stranger than fiction. Earlier this week, Gillian Anderson, 52, reunited with her former partner of four-years partner Peter Morgan, 57, after he pursuing a … Read more

Routine scans may catch 70% of lung tumours early: New research that could save thousands of lives

Routine CT scans may catch 70% of lung tumours early: New research could save thousands of lives Health experts are demanding the Government brings in routine CT scanning Scanning smokers and ex-smokers ‘extremely effective’ in catching cancer  It comes following research that CT scans catch 70 per cent of cancers early  By Elliot Mulligan For … Read more

Elephant saved from abusive circus by Mail readers lives life of 5-star luxury at safari park

Like many older ladies, Anne finds her arthritic legs sometimes feel a little creaky. She may lack the energy of youth but she takes pleasure in the simple joys of life as much as ever. A warm shower, an afternoon game to keep her brain sharp, relaxing to Classic FM. And although she can’t speak … Read more