Petrol is back above £1.20-a-litre: Fuel prices return to pre-pandemic levels

Petrol prices are now above what they were before the pandemic lockdown, new figures show. Unleaded in the UK averaged more than 120p-a-litre yesterday despite demand being far lower than it was in March 2020 – and while the nation remains in the depths of the latest lockdown. Average petrol prices climbed to 120.01p while … Read more

Health: High levels of air pollution can increase your risk of macular degeneration 

Your risk of developing macular degeneration and going blind is increased by living in an area with a high level of air pollution, a study has warned. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive form of vision loss  that is the leading cause of blindness among UK adults aged 50 and over. Known risk factors for … Read more

A million people have upped alcohol intake to dangerous levels during Covid-19 pandemic, poll shows

A million more are hitting the bottle: Huge swathe of drinkers have increased their alcohol intake to dangerous levels during Covid-19 pandemic, poll shows More than 2.5million people are downing more than 50 units of alcohol a week Rise was recorded across all age groups, but largest increase was in 55 to 64  Harmful drinking … Read more

Storm Christoph sees rivers in Manchester and Wales reach highest levels ever

River levels reached records high overnight as torrential rain saw thousands of people, including entire villages, evacuated amid flooding risks with Scotland and the North facing more snow and ice warnings today  After two months’ worth of rain bucketed down over parts of Britain yesterday, the River Mersey threatened to burst its banks in Didsbury … Read more

Government warns of worsening chaos at Britain’s ports as lorry traffic returns to normal levels

Government warns of worsening chaos at Britain’s ports as lorry traffic returns to normal levels – but Brussels says it won’t help ease backlogs unless Boris abandons his deregulation ambitions Projections from Cabinet Office anticipate Channel traffic’s imminent rise Truckers without requisite customs paperwork or negative test face turn-backs  It comes as Brussels says it … Read more

Parents’ sleep doesn’t return to pre-pregnancy levels for up to six years

Parents’ sleep doesn’t return to pre-pregnancy levels for up to six YEARS after the birth of their first baby – and Dad gets more than Mum!  Researchers monitored sleep of 111 parents two weeks after the baby was born  They found mums got considerably more sleeps and dads during this period  Mums of more than … Read more

Blood plasma with high levels of COVID-19 antibodies reduced the number of patient deaths by 25%

Convalescent plasma infusions can help reduce the number of coronavirus deaths, a new study suggests.  Researchers looked at people ill with COVID-19 who received blood plasma from recovered coronavirus patients. When given early enough, patients who received antibody-rich plasma had a one-quarter lower risk of death than those given plasma with low concentrations of COVID-19 … Read more

Smoking marijuana exposes you to low levels of the same toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke

Smoking marijuana exposes you to low levels of the same cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke, study finds Researchers took blood and urine samples from 245 volunteers with HIV They used HIV patients due to high levels of marijuana and tobacco smoking  They found evidence of naphthalene, acrylonitrile and acrylamide chemicals  These are all probably carcinogens in humans … Read more

People ARE respecting lockdown III: Traffic and footfall drop to near-April levels, data shows

People are respecting the third coronavirus lockdown as traffic and footfall has dropped to near-April levels, the latest data suggests. Apple Mobility Trends for London shows driving down by 44 per cent, walking down by 62 per cent and transit down by 68 per cent. Tom Tom figures also has commuters in the capital driving … Read more