Trump impeachment trial: Democrats will walk article to Senate today 

Donald Trump’s impeachment trial will be presided over by Patrick Leahy, the longest-serving Democratic senator, not the chief justice, it was revealed Monday. House impeachment managers will carry out the symbolic act of formally walking an impeachment article of Trump to the Senate on Monday – officially beginning the first impeachment of a U.S. president who is … Read more

Donald Trump ‘struggles to get lawyers for Senate impeachment trial’

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell will ask Democrats to delay the start of Donald Trump’s impeachment trial until early February to give the former president’s legal team time to prepare a defense. McConnell revealed his plans on a phone call with Republican senators Thursday.  Republican Senator Mike Braun of Indiana said McConnell confirmed Trump had … Read more

Trump’s campaign REFUTES Giuliani’s claim that he is representing president in impeachment

President Donald Trump’s campaign spokesman has refuted Rudy Giuliani’s claim that he is working on his impeachment legal defense team. Hours after Giuliani gave an interview to ABC News claiming that he was spearheading Trump’s impeachment defense, spokesman J. Hogan Gidley tweeted a pointed statement contradicting him.  ‘President Trump has not yet made a determination as … Read more

Trump STILL considering self-pardon, wanted to go to House floor to defend himself from impeachment

Donald Trump wanted to go to the floor of the House to defend himself as Democrats moved forward with a second impeachment, a report revealed Wednesday – and the president is still considering pardoning himself in his last six days in office. Advisers told The New York Times they had to persuade Trump not to … Read more

Trump impeachment defense in crisis with Giuliani named in evidence and Dershowitz ruled out

Wednesday’s House vote to impeach President Trump has teed up a Senate trial where President Donald Trump will once again decide on a team to represent him – this time on a charge of ‘incitement of insurrection.’ Sources have already said Trump may turn to lawyer Rudy Giuliani as he battles impeachment a second time, … Read more

Donald Trump refuses to resign and calls impeachment ‘a witch hunt’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday called the House’s push to impeach him again ‘absolutely ridiculous’ and said it is causing ‘tremendous anger,’ casting himself as the victim as he refused to take responsibility for the mob that descended on Capitol Hill last week. In his first public remarks since last week’s MAGA riot, Trump denounced … Read more

Donald Trump refuses to resign and calls impeachment ‘a witch hunt causing tremendous anger’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday called the House’s push to impeach him again ‘absolutely ridiculous’ and said it is causing ‘tremendous anger,’ casting himself as the victim as he refused to take responsibility for the mob that descended on Capitol Hill last week. In his first public remarks since last week’s MAGA riot, Trump denounced … Read more

Trump prepares his impeachment defense team with Rudy Giuliani and Alan Dershowitz in the running

Donald Trump has started putting together a defense team for a second impeachment trial with Rudy Giuliani and Alan Dershowitz said to both be in the running. Two sources told CNN Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney and the man who spearheaded the president’s failed legal efforts to overturn the presidential election, is expected to represent Trump … Read more

Mitch McConnell says Trump’s second Senate impeachment trial would begin on Biden’s inauguration day

House Rep. Ted Lieu of California announced on his Twitter feed on Saturday that 180 members of Congress have signed as co-sponsors of the article of impeachment that he helped draft alongside fellow House Reps. Jamie Raskin and David Cicilline House Democrats on Monday will circulate an article of impeachment charging President Trump with ‘incitement … Read more

Top Democrat Hakeem Jeffries says Trump impeachment ‘on the table’

The invasion of the Capitol by Trump supporters has reignited Democratic impeachment efforts, with the clock ticking on Trump’s last two weeks in office.  Three ‘squad’ members called for Trump’s impeachment on Wednesday – and a key Democratic leader didn’t rule out the idea. ‘Impeach,’ wrote Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).  ‘When I say all options … Read more